Chapter 14

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Satomi was sitting on the stone stair while watching her friends sparring. The newcomers were doing good and Itadori was practicing his other ability aside from switching to Sukuna. Satomi wanted to join but she was added to a group chat with Jisuk, Subin, Jiwoo, and Wooin.


Jiwoo just won against a fight AGAIN


And we didn't watch, that sucks


You suck!


Shut up!


It's just a tiny fight


But it still counts as a win


When are you going back to Korea, Satomi?

Satomi stared at her phone after reading Wooin's message. She, herself, also didn't know when. It was the first time that she got attached to someone from another country, so she never stayed for too long when visiting a country once again.

Especially since her father was mad at her for doing what she did. She doesn't want to anger her father furthermore by going back to Korea

Blind Person😎

I'm not sure, I still haven't asked my father about Dr. Delein


But you're going back, right?

Blind Person😎

I'll try


You should go back here to Korea!


And let's bully Subin together

Satomi laughed at what she read and look at her friends who were now all lying on the ground. She smiled and hid her phone in her pocket before standing up

"That's awesome everyone!" She shouted while she spreads her arms and walked toward them

The six students look up to see Satomi walking with a big smile on her face. They have a deadpan look on their faces before going back to lying

It's been days and Satomi just acted like she's before today. The second years told the first years just to act like they were used to in front of Satomi just to feel like nothing changes

The second year felt guilty for leaving Satomi alone during that day and didn't speak for themselves or for her

"Shut up, Satomi," Maki said and sit up looking straight at Satomi's eyes covered with a blindfold, "we're tired"

Satomi pouted and sat beside Maki. She just let Satomi know what she's been through

"Did they let Delein stay in Korea or let his student visit him?" Panda asked and tap his lap as a gesture that he wants Satomi to lay on his lap

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