Chapter 24

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"Where were you the whole day by the way?"

Wooin and Satomi were currently laying on his bed. Satomi was laying on her stomach and her arm was on Wooin's stomach. His hand was playing with her black hair and the other was holding her arm on his stomach

"I was with Kangseok, training then eating cake then decided to dye my hair"

Wooin understand her being with Kangseok, he didn't even feel jealous when she mentioned his name and said that they were together for the whole day. Wooin knows that they were just best friends and close to each other because they met first

"Did you visit Jiwoo?" Wooin asked and play with Satomi's finger

"Yes, Kayden called me to visit Jiwoo in his room tonight specifically"

His eyebrow raised, "he asked you?"

Satomi nods her head, "yep, even if he didn't call me I am going to visit Jiwoo tomorrow"

The two then decided to sleep because they were going out together. Wooin was hugging Satomi and Satomi was hugging him too, her face on his neck. It was the fourth time they sleep together so it was not that awkward

When morning came, Wooin woke up without Satomi on his side. Looking around, he saw her sitting on his chair and looking through her phone


The said woman looks up from her phone to see Wooin sitting up from his bed. "Good morning Wooin" she greeted with a smile and stood up from the chair

Satomi walked toward Wooin and then sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his stomach. He then wraps his arms around her shoulder and hugs her tight

"Good morning Satomi" he then kissed her head

"Should we still go out or just cuddle?" Satomi asked and face Wooin. She place her two hands on Wooin's cheeks and caressed them with her thumb

"We can go out then cuddle later" Satomi smiled at his word and nodded, "okay, I'll just change my clothes," Satomi kissed Wooin just below his lips then teleported away

Wooin who still didn't get used to it got visited by Subin once again. (because he froze, obviously)

Satomi had just arrived at her house not far from Baekho and went straight to her bathroom. While walking toward her bathroom, she was stripping her clothes one by one with a phone in her hand.

That habit of her making her room no window at all, even her room in the GAO building doesn't have a window per the twin's order. After knowing that the awakeners room in Awakened school has large windows, Kenji immediately orders the GAO to destroy the window and replace it with a concrete wall.

No one knows about it except Kangseok, Baekho's head, and the Gojo twins.

Satomi stepped into the bathroom then put her phone in the sink and turn on the shower. The water slowly wet her hair after turning off her Infinity. Her hand stroked her hair and then went to her stomach that is already wet from the water

Getting her shampoo on her right, she put a good amount in her hand before putting it on her hair. Her fingers were massaging the scalp of her head and then combing it so her hair will straighten in the process.

She then grabs the soap and started to put it on her arms, neck, her breast, and valley, then...

A fucking phone rang

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