Chapter 30

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Sucheon was standing proud in front of a white-haired girl from the opponent school


"You're Baekdu's Kang Sucheon, right?"

It caught Satomi's interest and listen to what she was going to say next

"There's a rumor that says your leader dies, is that true?"

Satomi smirk and put down the cake she was holding and focus on the two inside the ring


Sucheon glared at the woman intensely and multiple veins popped out.

"Too bad," Satomi smirked more that it scares everyone in the bleachers, and the teachers can also feel it, "since such a big organization's leader died"


And in just a matter of seconds, Sucheon was holding the girl by her neck with his ability that suffocates her

Everyone was shocked by the speed that Sucheon shows. Satomi knows that it was because of anger but she still approves of it in terms of speed

"You bitch, what did you just say?"

"Kinky, I like it"

Everyone looks at Satomi in shock after hearing what she said. Jiwoo was blushing because of it and immediately look away

"Words, Satomi!" someone scolded that made the said woman look at him with a shocked expression


Then all of a sudden they hear something from the ring and just saw that Sucheon was now far away from the white-haired woman who was holding her neck and panting

"You," the woman gritted her teeth, "I'll kill you"

Satomi whistled after noticing Sucheon's wounded arm. 'Ohh, that was nasty'

The woman opens her mouth again, releasing her ability from it. Sucheon noticed its ability and make his ability curve towards the woman angrily

He did it two times and both hit the woman. It makes her grit her teeth while looking at the man in front of him

She open her mouth again and release some of her ability from it and when it hit where Sucheon is, it was surrounded by dust

The white-haired woman who's wounded and panting hard was looking where he is, "You are nothing-" until the dust cleared out, "huh?"

Sucheon was already on her back, his ability was already prepared and going to attack her at any second


The Sucheon do their signature move, the ability that bends their opponent's body that it broke some of their bones, and leaves them heavily wounded

Sucheon was smirking while seeing the scene in front of him, 'I'll twist all the bones in your body!'

"STOP! KANG SUCHEON WINS!" Inhyuk shouted in a hurry knowing that Sucheon will really kill her

Sucheon let her go and walk away as if nothing happened. He looks at where Satomi is and was eating her cake once again

'It wasn't only Choi Kangseok' the two world academy teachers were shocked seeing the outcome of the fight, 'this country's four strongest are on the same level as our academy's top 10! Is that even possible in such a small country?'

"It was a fight between villains" Subin stated with seriousness in her voice

"As expected, the fight could've been won by the evilest one" Jisuk also said with a serious tone, "right, Satomi?"

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