CHAPTER 13: vale breach.

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after jaune's sisters became members of the goetia family like he did months ago, but they didn't move in their new home yet because he didn't want them to meet his adoptive mom, stella, because she's a real B.I.T.C.H, which they comepletely understand the reason.

right now, jaune and the I.M.P gang were chilling until he got a text from one of his sisters, bianca, saying that vale has been breached and that ruby & blake, even team CFVY were there trying to hold them off as jaune was shocked and showed them what bianca sent him as blitz said

blitz: let's do it gang!!

he said as loona opened a portal with the grimoire and they head to vale

(in vale)

we see ruby, blake & team CFVY trying to hold the grimm horde off, but were too outnumbered and as a beowolf was about to pounce, it was killed when someone sniped at the beowolf and that someone is, you know who it is

as ruby, blake and team CFVY looked at where the shot came from, they see the I.M.P. group and jaune (who's wearing his hood) jumped down off the building they were on top of as blitz said

blitz: Let's FUCK THESE FUCKERS UP!!!!!!

he proclaimed as jaune started to play a song from his scroll that you all know and love

as the song was playing, millie jumped into the air and sliced a beowolf in half as she landed, then rushed to another beowolf and amputated it's legs and arms off as it started to disintegrate

her next target was an ursa running at her, but millie ran under it's belly and used her axe to cut it's guts open, thus killing the ursa as she ran away to continue the slaughter

blitz and moxxie are seen back to back shooting grimm running at them and as blitz ran out of ammo for his flintlock, he said

blitz: mox, cover me!

moxxie: yes sir!

he said as he began shooting more grimm with SMGs until he ran out of ammo as blitz said

blitz: EAT MY ASS!!!!

he said as he took a selfie with him and a beowolf's head while moxxie was hammering on another beowolf's head repeatedly before the two go back killing with weapons moxxie got and gave ammo to blitz

loona is seen with a hooded jaune as he sliced and diced through the grimm with his crocea mors as loona used her claws and fangs to kill the beowolves

blitz sees them and decideds to help the two love birds kill the grimm as he gave loona a laser rifle and she started shooting at the grimm and said


she yelled as she and jaune noticed blitz having a happy face, making loona confused

loona: what?

blitz: i am just so damn proud of you, loonie. you too, jaune.

he said as he kissed loona on her cheek and looked at jaune and said

blitz: take care of her when you get married, ok?

jaune: ok.

he said as an ursa towered over them until jaune sliced it's head off, like how he did the same thing back at beacon

(timeskip to after the fight)


he said as he pulled out his ''my dick'' rocked launcher and fired a missle labeled ''pussy destroyer'' while screaming like a friggen maniac as said missle impacted at the last of the grimm, causing a big explosion

moxxie: oh crumbs, is everyone ok?

he asked as jaune said

jaune: i am.

he answered as blitz walked up and said

blitz: WHOO!!!! That was awesome!!!!!

he yelled in delight as jaune removed his hood and said

jaune: yep, it was pretty fun.

???: jaune?

as the group turned around, they see ruby, blake and team CFVY looking at jaune in shock as he sees ruby, blake, coco and velvet tearing up as jaune said

jaune: ....fuck.

he sweared as the screen went dark

(end of chapter, and if any of you heard or watched the show called ''code lyoko'', then here's a cover of the theme song i found last night, it really catchy, i suggest you listen to it.)

Arc of the Goetia Family. (a RWBY x HELLUVA BOSS/HAZBIN HOTEL story) (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now