Chapter 4 [4/4]

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"That person... isn't hurt?" asked Sikyung confusedly.

But their activity got distracted by the sound of someone groaning. The boy who is on the couch is finally awake... and they know him.

"Kim Minseong?" asked Hyunki and Sikyung altogether.

"What is this... who are you?" asked Minseong while trying to release his wrists.

"Let me help," said Sikyung, quickly sitting on the couch, "it's so tight..."

"Are you two... guardians?" asked Minseong after he realized both of them were holding weapons.

"What is a guardian? Is that our identity?" asked Hyunki back.

"And who did this to me?" asked Minseong again while still trying to release himself.

"There was someone in a black cloak, but the person was jumping from the window," explained Sikyung, "without getting injured. Can you believe that?"

"We should catch that person. That person might be an evil guardian or someone from our enemy's side. But I can't fight if I'm still tied."

"The tie is so tight..." groans Hyunki in frustration.

"I think it's the enemy's weapon..."

"How about using this?"

Hyunki brought his sword with both of his hands.

"I... I'm not sure about that... maybe you're gonna cut off my hands too..." Minseong is thinking hard, "but Minjoon hyeong is more trusted. Can someone take my phone? I need to make a call."

Sikyung takes Minseong's phone out of his bag.

"Please find Minjoon hyeong's name... okay, thank you. Hello, Minjoon hyeong? Are you busy? I need your help badly. Yes, it's okay, you can do teleport. I'm now with... our friends? I'll explain more. Alright, thank you."

"So you're gonna explain something to us?" asked Hyunki.

"Before that... we need to know each other first. I'm Kim Minseong."

"It feels so weird to know each other in this situation, but what can we do?" Sikyung chuckled, "I'm Kang Sikyung."

"And of course we know you, Minseong. I also know your hyeong. You're Kim Myungwoo's brother, right? I'm Gam Hyunki, I'm working in XTREME ARTS too!"

"Oh wow, so hyeong, you must know Bonhwa hyeong too!"

"Oh you call our sajangnim as hyeong?"

"Well, it's a long story..."

"AH YOU STARTLED ME!" screamed Sikyung.

Hyunki dropped his sword with a loud voice to the floor as Minjoon appeared in front of them. Minseong just blinked as he already expected this.

"BANG MINJOON?" shout Sikyung and Hyunki together.

"Oh yeah, that's me, I mean, hi," greet Minjoon with a smile.

"Hyeong, you need to use your sword to release me," asked Minseong.

"Who did this to you?" asked Minjoon as he took his sword out.

"WOW THAT'S COOL! I have a sword too!" said Hyunki excitedly.

"There are too many surprises tonight..." said Sikyung as she blankly stared at Minjoon's sword.

Minseong is standing up backing Minjoon before he raises up his sword.

"Ready, Minseong?" asked Minjoon as he concentrated on the chain.

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