"Fine I'll get her, wait a second."

I set down the phone contemplating hanging up but decided against it and walked upstairs to Aoko's room. I knocked on the door and a pissed off Aoko greeted me.

"What do you want? I'm actually trying to sleep here you know." She sent me sharp glare which only made me end up smiling at her.

"Well Ms. Student Council President you're needed downstairs. So make it quick since unlike you I want to have a lazy day. So let's go."

Aoko begrudgingly follows me downstairs and within twenty minutes we're both ticked off and in uniform.

"You know, we should seriously get rid of that stupid phone."

"For once I agree with you. Why did Alice have to go to school today damnit."

In summary Aoko was called on to show some random transfer student around because the Teachers were at their wits end with him. I'm only being dragged along for tearing into a teacher in return for not getting in trouble.

The only reason we were still at home was because we had the day off for the founding of our school or something I don't care enough to remember. Our roommate Alice that Aoko mentioned happens to go to a different school than us, one far more prestigious for sure.

On the long walk to the building I had to listen to Aoko complain about wasting her day in school while I agreed, I'd rather be doing something productive. The rain wasn't much of help either, naturally we weren't sharing an umbrella and had our own but it was just an annoyance to hold it for so long.

Countless people were up an about enjoying their break, vaguely familiar faces that were students at our school.

Well it's not like that matter since once we reached the building Aoko went into the Teacher's Office while I waited outside of the room looking out of the window. When they started to take too long I got bored and wandered over the meeting room on a whim only to find some guy with a uniform matching mine.

"The hell are you doing here, the school is closed today you know."

At my words the boy turned around to look at me. He wore bandages around his neck however it was difficult to tell just how far down they went. He was around my height with hair that contrasted my straight white hair with messy dark hair.

"I could ask you the same no? I'm just waiting to be shown around I think? I've been waiting for awhile.."

I started to connect the dots. That bastard probably just left him in here lazing around the Teacher's Office, god I want to just—

"Ah, what's your name? Are you here to show me around?"

I gave him a reproachful look at first which he didn't react until I sighed and gave up.

"Mushiki Arata, feel free to call me Mushiki. I'm technically here to as a punishment, there's someone else but she doesn't matter." I snickered to myself imagining how Aoko would react.

"Well transfer what's your name?"

"Soujuurou Shizuki. It's a pleasure to meet you." He responded in a dull tone which I didn't care for really, my sour mood dissipated momentarily.

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