Just add Pluots

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We were all at Mama P's and Kelly was telling Mama P about the plan with the stone fruit cake.

I was with Hannah that this was not the right move but we will see what happens.

"No you can't do that, it is way to dangerous" Mama P said for once I argreed with her, so did Hannah.

"Thank you" Hannah said.

"If you make this you will carry your grandmothers curse, but if you make the recipie larger and gave it to hundreds of people instead of you paying a very big price a bunch of people will pay a very small price, with the pluot festival coming up that would be a wonderful oppertunity to pull this plan off" Mama P said.

"We can't do that everyone is going to be there what if something really bad happens to the town" I said.

"I agree with my girlfriend" Hannah said and we intertwined our fingers.

"Look Y/N and Hannah I think we should do it I have to help my grandma" Kelly said.

Darbie of course agreed with Kelly.

They ended up making a plan to do this and we were told to get out of there way, Mama P said she did not like when people got in her way.

"Babe what are going to this is going to end in disaster" Hannah said, we were at my house trying to figure out what to do.

"Don't worry we are both very smart and will figure soemthing out" I said.

"You know Y/N I love you so much you stood by my side, I really apreciate it" Hannah said and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too" I said.

"Ok now that we have all the cheesey stuff out the way, what do you think we should do" I said 

"Well when I went to Miss.Silivers she had the book of victims maybe there is something there" Hannah said.

"Great idea babe" I said.

"Alright lets do some research" Hannah said.

We found a bunch of information and it all lead back to Mama P.

"We have to talk to Miss.Silivers she might know more about all this" I said, me went to Miss.Silivers house and knocked on her door.

"What do you girls want" Silivers said.

"We have some questions" I said.

"Alright I guess you can come in" Silivers said.

"Ok so we did some research, when I came here for lessons I found your book of victims you know the record you keep of all the curses around town" Hannah said.

"They aren't mine they are" Silivers was about to finish but we said,

"We know they are Mama P's curses" we said.

"Wow I always knew you were the brighest one's of the group" Miss.Silivers said.

"All I know is that what every she has planed for the Pluot festival is going to be bad, I am going to protect myself I suggest you two do that same" Silivers said.

We had to warn Kelly so we walked to the Mama P's and banged on the door to get in.

Jake opened the door,

"Hey guys did you get pluots for tommorow" Jake said 

"Um no but where is Kelly" I said.

"She is in the back" Jake said.

We walked back and saw Kelly was about to pour 5 pounds of sadronin sugar, 

"No" we both yelled.

Kelly just looked us and then poured it in,

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