Daddy day out

14 1 0

—-Raylen's pov—-
It took a lot of physical strength to prevent Rowan, my parents, and even momma who had later become the best of friends with my mom

to not go to school and demand a better punishment for violet silver but in the end, Nate got to them along with Nora and in return was rewarded the new video game that they had wanted for some time now so that's what they will be stuck on for the whole week so this gave me the great opportunity to spend some time with my one and only  daddy since we rarely ever spend time together because of his work
I was waiting for daddy to get home from his job as he was supposedly threatened by papa to take a break and not overwork himself as he does on the daily

Hearing the door open I paused my show and stood up to greet daddy

Watching daddy walk into the door speaking on the phone

"Well hold that thought Carl I actually love that idea so-" he trailed off as he finally took noticed me standing in front of him

Carl really? It's giving Nemo but anyway,

I didn't want to interrupt so I waited for his call to end with whoever was on the other side of the phone but I didn't have to wait long as papa ended the call with his co-worker or friend

"Yeah I guess ...but let me call you back my baby is waiting for me bye "daddy finished off before hanging up and darting towards me with a grin on his face

"Hi, baby what are you still doing at home? why aren't you hanging out with your friends or Rowan where is that boy anyway ?" daddy asked cupping my cheeks and planting a kiss on my lips before pulling back

"Well Nate and Nora are still stuck on the game that you gave them so that's your fault and Rowan is at work which is also your fault as you told him to get a job so now it's just me and you. we will Have lots of fun won't we "I joked but also contemplated the idea

He hums "Well....I guess I am at fault for giving them that new video game "daddy admitted nervously unleashing a chuckle

"GREAT!! then we can go to the park yeah? change out of your work clothes and put something on comfortable you are not walking out of the house like that with me looking like that sorry not sorry "I replied not giving him time to answer

"Wait-"daddy protested but was cut off by me once again

"Don't make me call papa "I threatened

"My clothes are waiting in the closet "he responded before practically sprinting upstairs

I sat back down on the couch waiting for him
To change Giggling at his tactics

Works every time

"Ok let's make our way out, "papa said holding the door open for me like the gentleman he is

"Why thank you kind sir "I joked

"My pleasure kitten "he winked and bowed keeping on the act earning a giggle from me

making my way out I intertwined our fingers wanting to feel closer to him since we couldn't do anything else or it would be considered "wrong "it's ridiculous honestly.

It was times like these that I'm glad we live right near the park we don't have to use a vehicle we can just do it the old-fashioned way by walking

"So....why did you want to go the park out of all places, "daddy asked swinging our already intertwined hands

"I just thought we could spend it in nature plus it's free and we don't have to spend money "I replied glancing at the park now in sight

"On second thought park sounds good" he decided

It was beautiful with lush greenery and a variety of flowers and trees along with long jogging tracks where I would normally exercise when I felt like it (which was rare by the way )

Just the perfect view

After exploring the scene, we sat on the bench that was closest to us relaxing our bodies completely

Resting my head on his shoulders as I watched a ton of emotions spread across his face

Curious I abruptly straddled his lap "daddy what's wrong "I questioned him searching his face for answers but only got stared at in return

"I'm just so glad to have you in my life sugar plum, "he said pinching my cheek before letting go

Sugar plum that's new but I like it nonetheless

"Awww daddy stop your embarrassing, "I said getting off his lap to not attract attention, looking around to see if any kids noticed but sighed in relief when no kids were in sight

They probably went to feed the ducks at the pond I guess

"Don't be embarrassed sugar plum it's true we all are glad to have you in our life especially champ he's happy the most that you came into his life "daddy spoke gazing at me with a fond expression on his face melting my heart

"We'll I'm glad to have you in my life as well I never knew what it felt like to have fathers that actually cared and accepted me for who I am and who would never be embarrassed by my looks it's kinda refreshing you know "I let out trying not to tear up from thinking of my sperm donor

I cleared my throat as he reached for my hand
Holding it tightly in his grasp

"Your father is missing out it's just too bad he'll never experience what it's like to have you as a son because we already have you so that's his loss, "daddy said cupping my cheeks and bringing me into a meaningful kiss it was nothing like I've ever experienced besides Rowan and I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as magical every square inch of my body dissolves into his, my fingers grip his hair pulling him closer until no space was left We continue our make-out session until we ran out of breath

"Daddy you can't Just kiss me like that out in the open what if the kids saw "I scolded him whacking him on the chest thinking I hurt him ((little did I know he didn't feel a thing ))

"Those kids will live it's not like they haven't seen their mother and father smooch before and if not they would have eventually seen it so, "he said dismissing my regards

"You get on my everlasting nerves sometimes better be lucky I left my phone at home or I would have called papa "I muttered talking to myself but was still heard by him

"Well jokes on you I had your phone the whole time so you were never gonna be able to call chance anyway, "he said swiftly standing from the bench and backing away from me as I tried to attain my phone

"Ugh!! I knew you were up to something you made up that whole thing so I would think about my phone "I yelled in frustration crossing my arms as he smirked holding my phone while heading towards the playground full of snot-nosed kids

Suppressing my giggles I ran towards him at full speed trying to get my phone but ended up landing on his shoulder as he lunged me off the ground

"Your right about the distracting part but I meant what I said kitten don't get it twisted" he winked walking towards the direction of home with me still on his shoulder....yelling
Hi guys back again if you're looking for angst you will not find it here I don't know how to write full angst I'm not good at being descriptive as you can see for most of my chapters so unless someone wants to help my story will be fluff and smut of being said enjoy

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