Just right

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Rowan's POV
studying has fried my brain I don't want to do anything else but see my baby luckily he's at my house already from spending time with my dads and brothers hopefully they didn't freak him out with their touchiness because they can go overboard with affection

I walked into the house put my stuff down and went straight to the living room knowing that he was waiting for me

I walked into the living to see raylen asleep in dad's lap with papa on his shoulder without making any noise as our ears are extra sensitive I picked up raylen gently while trying not to make noise which was not easy but I managed

Raylen immediately wrapped his legs around my torso and positioned his head around my neck sniffing my scent like he instantly recognized me

I didn't want to wake him up but he was tickling my neck and I didn't want to end up waking up dad and pops so I hurried and went upstairs to my room and closed the door of course quietly

I sat on the bed and laid  down with my baby on my chest it was so cozy that I ended up falling asleep to my mate's delicious scent

I woke up to tiny fingers caressing and drawing shapes on my chest I didn't want to startle him so I slowly but gently put my hands on top of his he seemed surprised but didn't jump

"Hi row," he said in a tiny voice he said it so cutely that my wolf took control and attacked him with kisses all over his face

"Ro stoppp" raylen said while giggling and trying to escape but his little tiny self couldn't stand a chance of course I let him believe that he won

"Baby how was your day with the family, "I asked genuinely curious about what they did while I was gone

"Well daddy and papa kept cuddling me to death and pecking my lips like are they supposed to be that affectionate ?" he said cutely with no malice

"Yes baby I forgot to tell you every family has a different way of showing affection like gifts, notes, quality time even fighting for some
Ours just happens to be physical touch only a few hybrid families do it's very rare for some reason

"Oh that makes so much sense "raylen commented thoughtfully

"Yeah so don't be surprised when their touchy they just can't control themself, especially around your cute self and I don't blame them, "I said teasing him

"Ugh can you do one day without teasing me, "my baby said hitting my chest that I barely felt quite frankly, even his hits are cute 'I can't with the cuteness overload'

"Awww baby your hits are adorable please hit me more, "I said in an imitative British voice

"Shutup row don't compliment my hits there supposed to hurt, "my baby said stomping his cute feet he's just proving my point

"Babe how do you expect me to stop reading you when you're being cute all the time "

"Leave me alone hmph, "he said skipping-i mean running to papa coming in the door probably to see what the ruckus is about

"What's going on here why do I hear your cute voice from downstairs, "papa said trying to be serious but we all know nobody can be serious with Raylen

"Papa Rowan keeps calling me cute "he whined unknowingly being loud letting others hear his conversation shaking their heads at his denial on the other side of the wall

"Baby beauty you are cute what your doing right now isn't helping your situation "papa said trying to control himself From attacking him with kisses 'like father like son '

"Hmph all of you are traders im telling mom on you," he said trying to make them give in but instead, they laughed

"Fine I'll show you, wait till mommy comes, "I said running out the door and trying to slam the door but ended up falling with the door causing the laughs to be louder and making me pout harder  until Rowan came and hugged me covering my whole body curse mom and her Genes

While we were hugging I couldn't help but give in forgetting everything that happened .these hugs were everything they felt so warm it felt

Just right.
Hay guys another update if I made mistakes please ignore I'm going to edit when I've finished with the story anyway hasta pronto❤️

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