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Rowan's POV

Finally, the day I'd eagerly anticipated had arrived. I intended to ask my mate out on a date, a nod to traditional human courtship despite the fact that he was already mine.

Determined to make a lasting impression, I carefully selected a suit for our date.

Let me introduce my eight siblings - four brothers and four sisters. Connor, Caleb, Caden, and Chase, my brothers, each possessed unique personalities.

Connor, the peacemaker; Caleb, the athlete; Chase, the gamer; and Caden, the bad boy, brought a mix of differences to our family dynamic.

Despite knowing the impending chaos with my siblings, I ventured downstairs for a quick breakfast, opting for cereal.

As I rushed through breakfast, navigating the delicate balance of sibling dynamics, my mind shifted to the day's plans.

"Rowan?" Renee inquired as I reached for the door. "Yeah, Ren?" I replied, already sensing a request.

Arriving at school, I eagerly sought out Raylen, excited to broach the subject of our upcoming date. Unbeknownst to me, my enthusiasm led to a collision.

**Raylen's POV:**
Surprised but intrigued, Raylen blushed at my proposition. "Yeah, I wanted to ask if you would go on a date with me," I confessed, allowing him time to process.

Raylen, with a beaming smile, enthusiastically agreed. As we parted ways, anticipation hung in the air. The promise of a date with my mate made the day even more special.

Hey guys I feel like I wrote too much about Rowan here so the next is going to be about raylen I just wanted you to know about his siblings ❤️❤️❤️❤️oh and I speak 7 different languages so I might randomly put in words from different languages

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