1: The Debriefing

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In the burning city of Miami, a battered and war-torn Navy Seal operative walks through the chaotic streets with innocent people injured, and panicking greatly as some are trying to help their friends and family however they can.

The Navy Seal operator gazes at his surroundings with guilt feeling sorry for the innocents as they should've never been caught in the middle of this. He can see the buildings burning and crumbling.

The Seal operative grunts from the pain in one of his arms causing him to drop his M4A1 and holds his sidearm in his good hand. His eyes eventually lock onto a crashed military vehicle finding his target crawling out clearly in a terrible condition.

The Navy Seal grits his teeth and approaches, the target leans against the vehicle trying to find his pistol but realizes it's not on him.

"This... Is this what you wanted? All this death and chaos? You claim to be fighting for the people yet you do this!?" He exclaims painfully waving his damaged arm to the side in the direction of the buildings and innocents who lost their lives.

The Navy Seal looks his target in the eyes who tries speaking but coughs heavily with the Seal operative stopping about five feet from him and aims his P320 at the target.

"I wish it didn't have to come to this." He says about to pull the trigger


Virginia Beach, VA USA
June 7th 2016
1:30 PM

Near the beach is a single story beach house that is rented out to Leonard King, a man with blonde hair that's a short fade with a blonde short beard to go with.

He is wearing a silver tank top and standard jeans. He is currently in the middle of playing an acoustic guitar or trying to as he never had much of a natural talent for music or other artful things.

"Ah damn it." Leonard curses quietly while shaking his fingers. "Let's try that again." He sighs out and begins playing once again, the song being What's Happening Brother by Marvin Gaye.

Leonard is going at a decent pace getting into a grove but his eyes land on a pair of initials being B.T.K.

"Fuck!" Leonard curses out but quiets himself down and goes to begin once again.

However there is a knock on the door as Leonard sets the guitar aside. Leonard gets up and opens to see an old face.

"Victor Rowan, the hell you doing here?" Leonard asks jokingly as they grab each other's hands and hug soon after.

"Oh you know, just came to make sure you're not dying of boredom... How you been man?" Victor asks being welcomed inside.

"Alright I guess, still nothing on my brother which... You know." Leonard states.

Victor looks at Leonard with guilt as he wants to help in someway.

"You'll find him eventually man, Brandon's Delta Force right? They're survivors." Victor says reassuringly.

Leonard wants to believe him but the thoughts of his little brother being dead or worse creep into his mind as always.

"Anyway... Anything new going on?" Leonard asks getting two beers from his fridge and tosses one to victor who catches it.

"Well there's a bit of a ruckus back at base, someone from one of the squadrons said that Army General Reeves is lurking around base looking for a Seal Team for some op on Peru." He replies soon taking a sip of his beer.

Leonard does the same processing that information.

"Huh... and not Delta or the Snake eaters?" Leonard questions.

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