You Don't Have to Pretend

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This might be painful to hear,
but I hope you know,
that you don't have to lie
everytime someone asks you
if you are doing fine

You don't have to pretend
when people don't accept
who you are today.
you don't have to beg
for the love that you deserve,
trust me, the right people will give it to you automatically.

you don't have to act
the way they tell you that you have to
you don't have to believe
everything they believe in
and you don't have to force yourself to fit in.

make this day, as the day
that you'll stop forcing yourself liking the things that don't bring joy in your heart, and make your lips curve into a smile
stop chasing the people
that doesn't have a clear plan
that they want you to be
forever part of their life.

I know it's quite hard to do,
It's like looking for a leaf clover
in the dessert.
And if you keep forcing yourself
on things and people that doesn't want you,
you would not see the things
that you deserve
even if it's already in front of you.

Reminding You to Breathe [UNDER REVISION] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें