Rainfall of Life

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Remind yourself every day, as frequently as possible, that you're beautiful as naturally as you are, that you deserve the great things in life, that you don't need to prove your worth to be valued by others, that the storm that is currently happening in your life, will soon end. The pain, and struggles you're dealing right now, is nothing but a challenge to see, how strong you are.

Prove to the world that even though you fail, and have breakdown a lot of times, it doesn't mean that you're weak.

Look at yourself in your mirror, and say, “you got this!” Take a break if you need to, but don't mistake it as a procrastination.

Problems are like heavy rainfall. Your vision becomes blurry when you're soaked in rain, and the strong wind will might even make you kneel down on the ground.

When there's a heavy rainfall going on in your life, you could either choose to head somewhere dry and wait until the rain stops, or you could continue walking and enjoy the moment of letting the rainfall soaked you. Whatever choice you will decide on, don't forget yourself and to make your decisions memorable. So that the next time you'll experience that heavy rain again, and again, you have brought the lessons you've learned with you, and use it as an umbrella.


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