Keep Trying

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Sometimes you gonna take the risk, to drive without a spare tire.
Get rid of the things that remind you
of the pain-
even though, it once made you smile.

To keep walking in the dark times;
to keep trying even though,
no one believes.

Sometimes all you have to do is to keep on trying. Not giving up on things you want to achieve and on the promises you said to yourself. Not letting a single failure define your future and who you are as a person. Pulling yourself up, when you fall back 8 times on the challenges the world throws at you. Doing one task at a time when you don't have much energy to do it all completely, and to give yourself a rest when you are becoming exhausted, and will come back when you felt better again.

Step by step, and habit by habit. The small things you gradually do creates a big wave without you realizing. Again, you don't have to do all things at once, but you have to keep going no matter how hard it is to do so.


Reminding You to Breathe [UNDER REVISION] Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum