Being Misunderstood

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To you,
who always felt misunderstood
by the people around you.
I hope you know that you don't always need to explain yourself,
and everything that's happening in your life.

People might think of a different idea
on what they saw, or create and
spread a story that's far from the truth. But If they are the people who aren't worth given an explanation,
just let them misunderstand you.

Wear whatever style you
felt comfortable and confident in,
even they might think you are overdressed. Hang out with your trusted friends, even though people might think maliciously. Continue doing things that make you smile, and brings no harm to anyone. Go take yourself out on a date, even though people might say that you might be feeling lonely, but you are honestly
enjoying your own company.

It's painful to be misunderstood
by some people or by the people you care about. But if they are not willing to hear and understand your side, you have to let them think whatever they want to think.

Being misunderstood is better than tirelessly explaining your self to them who are not willing to try see the way you see things. Not willing to accept the truth of your side, and let you feel and express what you truly feel inside.

Learn when to stay silent,
and when to stand up for yourself.
Because explaining yourself to people
who only believes what they see and know, is not worth it to engage with.

Your time is golden, spend it wisely like money. Your energy is valuable, refuse to waste it.
Your life is not an advertisement,
keep some things private.
And keep in mind,
that you don't have to keep
explaining yourself every single time.

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