Chapter Five

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When I woke again it was less pleasant than the first time. This time I was in a state of undress. I was splayed across the covers my shirt was missing and my pants were unbuttoned. Around me the bed was stained in blood. My blood. New clean bandages wrapped around my abdomen. Though I was uncomfortable with the prospect of Jack seeing me near naked I understood that he was keeping me alive. If that meant he had to pull my shirt off in order to access the wound, so be it. I glanced around the mattress looking for my shirt. Finally noticing it had fallen off the edge of the bed. I tried to reach it but the movement pulled at my muscles which protested, making me lay back. Fuck I hate this. As I lay there the door started to creek open. I took a breath and lay still holing in the breath.  I wanted to appear freshly dead.

"Why are you holding your breath." Jacks voice came from the door.

"I wanted to look dead," I admitted, letting out my breath and relaxing.
"I can feel your heartbeat through the floorboards." Jack informed me, while setting down a tray with a bowl of stew and a chunk of bread.

"Is this for me?" I asked pointing at the food.

"No its my dinner." Jack replied sarcastically, walking to a dresser I hadn't noticed in the corner during my initial inspection. I picked up the bowl, disregarding the spoon, and took a sip straight from the side.

"How is it?" He asked looking back at me, he stoped his rummaging to talk.

"Good, really good, it's a little salty, but honestly I don't care it tastes like the greatest dish I've had in my life." I told him honestly.

"Really?" He asked incredulous.

"No, but I never though I'd live to have another meal so this is fantastic." I drank more of the hot liquid. A worn black guns and roses shirt landed in my lap. I looked up at Jack then back at the shirt.

"Your shirt is trashed." He said like he was stating the obvious. "I had to cut it off to access the wound plus it was covered in blood I think you'll survive if I give you a new shirt."

"Why are you being so nice to me." I asked him lowering the soup bowl and looking him dead in the face.

"I may be a shitty person, but there was a time in my life when I hoped someone would do the same for me." Jack recounted a memory from his past that I had had yet to experience or hear about from him. A grin pulled at his features. "Plus like I said if anyone is going to kill you, it will be me."

"I feel so reassured" I rolled my eyes and took another drink of the soup.

"You have 47 stitches in total, you have to be very gentle or you will tear them. When we get you home you will be on bed rest." Jack said clinically.

"How am I supposed to work? Actually for that matter cook, or live" I argued my voice raising.

"Keep your fucking voice down if you want to get out of here at all." He hissed at me.

"You could have brought me to my house to fix me, I'm betting you know where I live." Anger and resentment seeped into my voice. "And if I'm such a burden why even save me at all, with a little digging you could find your mask."

"Because shockingly saving you was the right thing to do and though I find you to be an insufferable pain in my ass I don't want to see you die yet."

"Yet, right cause you want to kill me" I mocked. A loud knock sounded from the door.
"Fuck," Jack cursed shaking his head and grabbing the belt around his waist undoing it, then the zipper on his pants.

"What the fuck are you doing" I asked becoming more panicked.
"They fucking heard you, I'm fixing our mess." He angrily whispered, turning away he took a breath and pushed his hair out of his face. He took a few heavy strides toward the door and cracked it open.

"Who's in there with you?" A gruff male voice asked from the door.

"A girl, if that's all you came to ask then leave," Jack said trying to shut the door.

"Your pants are undone, but the room doesn't smell like sex, with all that yelling I'm guessing  you were about to hate fuck?" Said the other male chuckling darkly. "Actually speaking of smells it does smell like something else I can't quite place."

"Human?" Jack said stiffly, my breath caught in my throat.

"No, no that would be easy to place this is something older, magic even, maybe a witch" said the man on the other side of the door. Jacks body was place strategically so the man could not see me, and I could not see him.

"Witches are still human," Jack informed.

"What is she," the man tried to glance around Jack to get a glimpse of the room, to get a glimpse of me. But Jack blocked the doorway.

"Go away Jeff, leave us alone," Jacks tone was one of warning.

"Fine but your room is above mine if you keep screaming with your bitch then I'll come here and slit both your throats." The man said increasingly angered. With that Jack shut the door. It was silent for a moment.

"We have to get you out of here tonight." He said zipping his pants and putting his belt back on. "You're losing your sanity."

"The fuck does that mean," I asked offended.

"You already use magic on a daily bases, and the longer your in this house you'll become like us, like me." Jack warned. I pulled on the shirt he gave me.

"Fine then what's the plan?"

The Blackest Black - Eyeless Jack X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now