Chapter One

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The first time I had seen him it had been the twilight hours. The time of night when only monsters roamed. And that's what he was, a monster.
I had been walking back from a job, my black dress clung to me from what I couldn't tell anymore. Was it blood or rain I didn't know, it had to have been blood because he told me he smelled me before he saw me.
I had exercised a demon of gluttony, a rather messy process in which I would be picking chunks of flesh from my hair for weeks. I had literally run into him on my walk back to the church, he had gripped my arm a little too tight, I had been out of it and when I looked up to apologize for crashing into him I was met with a mask, no details other than voids for eyes that were dripping black sludge.
Looking at him the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I knew in that moment not only was he not human, but I was not safe. After a bit of a tussle and after I banished him to hell I reached the church by daybreak. The father met me at the door, scolding me for the poor job I had done with the gluttony demon and the casualties it had cost.
That day I lost my position in the church.  That night, I gained by far my most dangerous enemy.


I lifted myself from bed, the shitty mattress creaked under my weight. I slid my legs over the side of the bed pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt I grabbed some workout equipment as I stretched and got ready to start my day. Swaying on my feet I padded into the bathroom to address my hand. The damage from last night had been some of the worst. Pulling open a cabinet I grabbed hydrogen peroxide and bandages. Poring the liquid on my hand I cursed "fuck" I ground my teeth, the burning felt worse than the original injury. It had begun bleeding once more as I sprayed antibiotics on it and tightly wrapped the exposed wound which was already angry and red with infection. I needed to go to the hospital, but doing exorcisms for a living doesn't exactly cover the cost of health care. I'm sure I'll die from my line of work before I die of infection. Walking into my main room I sighed and began my workout.


I pulled on some bootcut black jeans, black leather boots, a red mock neck shirt. Tucking in the shirt and wrapping a belt around my waist, from there I grabbed a leather jacket and zipped it up. I glanced at myself in the shitty bathroom mirror, I had fallen far from the church but fuck it, church or no church, I could still do my job and money is money, who the fuck cares what I wear. He cares, the little voice in the back of my head said. I rolled my eyes at myself and went to my dresser and grabbed my pouch of demon eyes, little glass orbs that would bind or hold a demon in place when smashed on the ground near them. My silver talisman, a coin said to have been held by Christ himself, did I believe it? Fuck I don't know but it was magic and it worked when I cast enchantments so I kept it with me. Next I put on the ring of judgement. A gold band with a large red ruby cut into a cabochon, it glowed when I was around him. Lastly I pulled on a slew of necklaces, a Greek cross coin, a Hades key and a gold and diamond scarab. I believed in gods, I believed in everything, when you see the darkness of every corner of humanity how could you not believe in everything.


It was past nightfall and I had a job to get to, one that I was late for, which made now the worst time for him to show up.

"What do you want," I growled into the darkness around me. "I have places to be and can't waist my time right now with you demon."

"I have a name you know," he said nonchalantly, pushing himself off the building he was leaning on and striding toward me.

"It's Jack," he was less than a yard away and gaining on me fast. I reached into my pocket to grab a tool when he snatched my wrists from me holding one in each of his hands, keeping them above my head. He was tall at least a head taller than me if not more, he had on black jeans and a midnight blue shirt, this was covered by a brown belt which clanked with bottles and knives. A black leather duster topped his outfit and black boots pulled up to his mid calf gave him the aesthetic of a gothic prince.

"For someone who's supposed to be smart you are quite the opposite aren't you? One should not walk around alone at night when there are monsters roaming." His deep voice echoed in the space around us.

"I am far scarier than what lurks in the darkness I can assure you." I sneered at him, pulling at my wrists. His gripped tightened as a deep ominous chuckle reverberated through his chest sending a shiver up my spine.

"As much as I want to cut you open and watch your body writhe as you bleed out, you have something of mine that I would like back. And not killing you would be prudent."  He said, pulling me close to him, "what did you do with my mask," he asked, his voice sweet like sugar, his breath smelled metallic.

"Why should I tell you, you just admitted that my knowing where your mask is, is the only thing keeping me alive." I tried to look him in the eyes but his hair covered them.
He changed his grip, "Fuck," I cursed as he irritated my already infected hand.  He stopped and brought it to his face. Keeping both my hands in his grasp kept him from untying the bandage. He took the material between his teeth he pulled till it came loose exposing my hand to him. I jerked to pull my hand away but his grip was like iron. He held my wrist tight and licked the back of my hand.

"Fuck, what the fuck!" I yanked harder, it felt like the limited flesh I had left on my hand was burning off.

"We'll I can't have you dying of infection before I get what's mine." He said bringing his face near my own. His voice dropped to a whisper "Plus, your blood is a delicacy."

"Let me fucking go you demon" I pulled away again this time he let go letting me stumble backward.

"Jack" he said.

"We'll Jack, I was already late and now you made me lose more time," anger boiled in me as I held my hand to my chest again, this felt familiar.

"What poor demon are you exterminating today." He chuckled and followed me taking stride with my pace.

"They said he calls himself Zalgo," I told him unsure why I was still talking to him. He had gone quiet, his face had visibly paled.

"I'll cut you a deal" he finally said breaking the silence. "I'll help you with Zalgo, and you return my mask, deal?"

"I can handle this on my own, I'v done this a million times before." I told him, walking faster. His laugh was deep and sinister.

"You have never faced anything like this little priest." He said.  His words got under my skin maybe the way he said them, or maybe because I'd been alone for so long that his company was not unpleasant.

"Fine, but don't think for a second I won't banish you right back to hell,"  I warned as I extended my hand to shake.

"And don't think I won't crawl right back out." He gave me a dark smile taking my hand and shaking it.

The Blackest Black - Eyeless Jack X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now