Chapter Three

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"What does he need monsters for," I asked as I followed Jack out of the building.

"How should I know," Jack replied coldly.

"You're one of his creations, you must know something," I pried for an answer. He rounded on me, making me stumble back as Jack blew like a fuse.

"I will never be like him, I do not know his motives. And though you think all monsters are the same little priest I can tell you now, humans are no better. I'm a demon because I have power, powers a mere human will never attain. What is humanity's excuse? Murderers walk the streets, but I'm the villain. I'm the villain because I do what I have to do to get by." He stepped away huffing and briskly walking down the street. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.  I turned away from him, the Sun was starting to rise the sky becoming murky. Pulling my leather hood up I made my way home.


A phone ringing pulled me from the nightmare. I grabbed the device from the bedside table.

"Hello," I rasped into the phone, my voice horse from sleeping.

"There's been another incident." The voice on the other end informed me.

"I'll be right there. Send me the address" I rubbed a hand over my face and ended the call. Pulling on some clothing strew around the room and grabbing my sacred items. I locked my apartment and headed to the location.


Due to the length I'd have to travel I took a cab to the reported location. Living in the city I didn't have a car.
The building was on the opposite side of town in a factory. Smoke rose from the factory chimneys. Unlike the previous location, I was greeted by an older balding male. He was slightly on the heavier side and sweating profusely.

"Thank you for coming," he wrung his hands, "I didn't know what else to do or who to call." He admitted.

"You did the right thing," I assured him. "Will you fill me in on the details of the situation?"

"Yes of course. Earlier today after one of our employees clocked in I saw him on the main production line and asked him if he was okay. He was very aggravated but claimed he was fine. At about noon he looked pale and sweaty, and he started speaking in tongues, then like the devil himself possessed him, he grabbed his coworker by the shirt and forced him under the machinery. Ground the poor guy's skull to bits, and did it to two others, for a total of three fatalities. Then he got his arm stuck and it was sliced clean off at the elbow." The manager recapped the story.

"Why call me and not the police," I questioned, though people could act possessed it was usually very unlikely.

"That's the million dollar question, we were in the process till his arm got lopped off. The thing is when it got severed, there was no blood. Well not like yours and mine that is, no what came out was this thick black liquid the color and texture of molasses. I don't know any human with blood like that." The factory manager explained. My mind wandered to Jack's mask, the same mask I had hidden in my apartment.

"And he's still inside?" I asked.

"Oh yea, we wrangled him into one of our pressure rooms he can't get out unless someone opens the door." The man motioned me to follow him into the building. Entering the building and traveling up several flights of stairs to the fourth floor, we came to a landing and walked down the hallway passing doors on locked rooms, each one similar to industrial freezers. We stopped at the second to last door in the hallway. The small window gave us a view into the room, but it was too dark to see. I pulled out my talisman as the manager unlocked the door and pulled it open toward us. I was expecting an attack when the door opened but nothing greeted us. The room was empty. A sharp, burning pain bloomed in my lower back. I looked down at the metal bar, a piece of machinery protruding from my abdomen.

"What the fuck," I slowly turned toward the man behind me. His twisted smile met me.

"He knows your looking for him little white witch, and he doesn't want you bothering him any longer." The man said his smile stretching impossibly wider.

"What did he promise you, why are you doing this," I groaned out, holding on to the metal bar.

"Your gonna die here, little witch." His eyes looked like that of a sheep, and his teeth had become thin and crammed into his too-wide mouth. With those parting words, he closed the door locking me in the little room. I shrieked out in frustration. Every movement was agony. As I slowly walked to a wall and propped myself up against the cold concrete. I pulled my phone from my pocket and went to call 911. Due to the walls of the building I had no service. I threw the device across the room its glass screen cracking like a spiderweb. No one knew I was here, I was gonna die here. I closed my eyes drifting into the blackness.

The Blackest Black - Eyeless Jack X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now