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The December air ripped at her hair, blood dripped from her fingers, the man's still beating heart pumping rapidly over and over, hard like a drum beat.
She took the knife from her coat pocket and stabbed it into the still beating organ. The rhythmic rattling did not stop it continuously pumped in and out.
Dark laughter echoed around the ally.

"I'm not one of your demons, priest."The deep voice sent shivers down her spine. "It's gonna take a lot more than ripping out my heart to kill me, I have a lot more where that came from." He said, extracting a jar from inside his trench coat, twisting off the the lid he reached a gloved hand into the murky jar, pulling out a gray organ and shoving it back into his chest. He inhaled with a gasp and straightened, quickly twisting the lid back on the jar and pushing it back into the depths of his coat.

"What are you" she asked dropping the heart on the ground and backing away. Locked in a violent dance, one step forward one step back.  From her pocket she pulled out a silver talisman. Lifting her hand and with a whisper of something he couldn't hear. A silvery barrier lifted between them. He drew a small silver blade and launched towards the barrier. The blade pierced the barrier as it cracked like glass. With the little time she had she turned from the barrier and ran.

The shattering behind her was the only alert that he had gotten through till,

"Not so fast," his deep voice whispered behind her, as his body slammed into hers.
She hit the ground hard her head hitting the pavement, losing grip on her talisman it skittered away into the darkness.

"I'm going to miss these nights priest." He said bringing his masked face close to her, as he pined her hands with his knee. She cried out at the pressure on her wrists. He loosed her shirt from its place dragging it up her body exposing her stomach and bringing his blade to her skin. Bringing her knee up she hit him between the legs, giving herself enough time to yank one of her hands from under him. Ripping the flesh off the back, exposing bone. She gritted her teeth and punched him square in the jaw. His mask skittered off the the side next to the forgotten talisman. Shaggy black hair covered his eyes, she was met with gray skin, sharp teeth and long fangs. Definitely not a human. Pulling a red glass orb from her pocket, she threw it to the ground. Red mist swirled around the man, dragging him off of her. She stood and smoothed down her shirt.

"I call upon the book of Enoch, and banish you demon of the 12 houses, back to hell."
A bright red light emanated from the tendrils holding the man down.  With a deep laugh he was gone.
She breathed heavily and leaned against the ally wall, cradling her injured hand. A glint of light brought her attention to her forgotten talisman and the mask that lay next to it.

The Blackest Black - Eyeless Jack X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now