"Y'all can drink my blood if it makes y'all feel better"

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No one POV

Gwi-nam had just bangle Su-hyeok wound and laid him down in the tent with blankets."How is his wound Gwi-nam" On-jo asked walking in the tent."It's bad but it should heal soon" Gwi-nam said as he placed the last bangle on Su-hyeok wound. Cheong-san walked in with a pair of clothes for Su-hyeok. Cheong-san and Gwi-nam helped put Su-hyeok clothes on and laid him back down when they were done. They kissed him on the forehead and left the tent."So what's for breakfast" Dae-su asked rubbing his stomach."The inside of your organs" Gwi-nam said smirking. Dae-su gulped and sat down. Gwi-nam felt a hand hit him in the head."On-jo so help me if yo-" Gwi-nam started but froze when he saw who hit him."Pancakes and bacon Dae-su" Su-hyeok said smiling. Dae-su nodded and went to talk to Gyeong-su who is staring at Woo-Jin."Yo Woo-Jin, what's your sexuality" Gwi-nam babbled out."Bisexuality, why" Woo-Jin asked."No reason" Gwi-nam said smirking looking at Gyeong-su. You welcome Gwi-nam whispered to Gyeong-su who is blushing like crazy. Cheong-san went to go collect more fire wood for the fire. As Cheong-san was walking he heard a sound coming from behind him."What the fuck do you want Nam-re" Cheong-san said as he stopped."How you know it was me" Nam-re said as she stopped next to him."I just know" Cheong-san said as he looked at her."Now what do you want" Cheong-san said looking at her."Why you and Gwi-nam care about Su-hyeok so much. He's not special" Nam-re said as she looked at Cheong-san."And why does that concern you" Cheong-san said as he raised an eyebrow."Because I know you, you don't care about anyone unless you are dating them or their your siblings. Other then that you don't care about people" Nam-re said as she walked closer to Cheong-san."So god help me, if you fucking touch me I will rip your fucking heart out" Cheong-san said as he half turned into his zombie. Nam-re chuckled and put her hand on his chest. She think Cheong-san is playing. Hahaha, how wrong she is. Cheong-san put his hand on her neck and snapped it. He turned back to normal and grabbed the fire wood amd left the unconscious Nam-re on the ground."Cheong-san, your back" Su-hyeok said smiling as he gave Cheong-san his plate. Cheong-san smiled and sat next to Gwi-nam."Nam-re is getting on my last nerves. I just snapped her neck a few minutes ago" Cheong-san said as he ate his bacon."You should killed her. I don't trust her" Gwi-nam said as he looked at Su-hyeok."She could hurt him and I don't want that to happen" Gwi-nam said as he ate a piece of pancake."Tonight's the full moon. We need blood but who's" Gwi-nam said as he looked at his brother. Cheong-san sighed and looked at the sky.

At midnight

Gwi-nam and Cheong-san woke up and carefully snuck out of the tent trying to not wake Su-hyeok. The made it outside and started walking in the forest looking some animals to get blood from. The found a deer and caught it before it got away."Y'all are very disrespectful to the animals" a voice said from behind them."So help me Nam-re I would fuck you up of you don't leave us the hell alone" Gwi-nam said as he continued to drink the blood of the deer."Do I look like Nam-re to you" the voice said. The brothers turned around to see Su-hyeok standing there looking at them."Su-hyeok" Cheong-san said as he looked at the boy."Y'all can drink my blood if it makes y'all feel better" Su-hyeok said as he walked closer to them."Bu-" Cheong-san started but then was cut off."No buts, here" Su-hyeok said as he cut his arm."Angel you don't have to do this" Gwi-nam said as he and Cheong-san stood up."Yeah and y'all don't have to kill animals but y'all do it" Su-hyeok said as he looked them in their eyes."Fine but I'm going for the neck instead of the arm" Gwi-nam said as he unbuttoned Su-hyeok shirt."Same" Cheong-san said as he sat on the other side of Su-hyeok."If you feel yourself start to past out just stop us, okay baby" Cheong-san said as Su-hyeok nodded. They bite his neck from different sides leaving bite marks on his neck."Aghh" Su-hyeok said as he started blushing a hot mess."Mhmm~" Su-hyeok moaned as the brothers continue to bite his neck."Ahhhh~" Su-hyeok moaned as the brothers went down to his body.

13+ coming up

Gwi-nam took Su-hyeok shirt off and threw it on the ground as him and Cheong-san took theirs off. They took his and theirs pants off leaving only their boxes on. Cheong-san put Su-hyeok on his lap and kissed him roughly making Su-hyeok moan. Su-hyeok never imagine to be getting fucked by two hambie."Ahhhh, mhmmm~" Su-hyeok moaned as Gwi-nam took their boxes off making Su-hyeok ride him."That feel good right baby~" Gwi-nam said as he bite Su-hyeok neck again. Su-hyeok nodded as Cheong-san licked his nippers."Shhh, it's okay Angel. We'll make you feel good~" Cheong-san said as he put a piece of wood in his mouth making him scream.

After that

The brothers put theirs and Su-hyeok clothes back on. Cheong-san picked the unconscious boy up bridal style putting his coat on the boy as they walked back to the camp site."Hey Gwi-nam" Cheong-san said as he looked at his brother."Hn" Gwi-nam replied."Do you think that Su-hyeok will become an zombie because we bite him. I mean we could of turned him" Cheong-san said as he looked at the boy in his arms. Gwi-nam smiled and stopped walking. He turned to his brother lifting his chin up to make him look at him."Cheong-san, if we did turn him I don't think he would mind. You see he let us drink his blood. It was like he was letting us take control of his body. Su-hyeok is the only one that wouldn't give a fuck if he was turned to a zombie. Now let's get back to the camp site before On-jo kills us for almost ruining her baby innocence" Gwi-nam said as he and Cheong-san chuckled.

Our Angel Gwi-nam/Su-hyeok/Cheong-sanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon