"We're brothers"

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Hey guys, I know this story isn't like the rest of the All of us are dead show but I'm trying. It's not going be like the other books or exactly like the show but it might have the same events in it. Anyway enjoy this chapter. Also I'm sorry this part took to long. I just been busy with school and everything. But I will post more of this story soon. Anyway enjoy

Previously on the last chapter

"Please protect him" On-jo said as she closed her tent.

Now on today's chapter

No one POV

Some people will say it's a normal day. Well for them it's not really a normal day is it. The zombies are still roaming the halls and classrooms. They didn't make it to the gym yet so that's good. The bad thing is that they need food and water, and they can't get to the cafeteria because zombies are in their as well. The only way out is the gym back door."So who's going to get us some food" Dae-su said as he rubbed his stomach. They tried calling for help but the phone line is down. So they still have to wait for help which is probably never."How about Gwi-nam and Cheong-san" Nam-re said as she looked at the two."And Su-hyeok can help as well" On-jo said as the brothers mumble thank you under their breath. On-jo smiled and looked at Su-hyeok. Su-hyeok nodded his head and the three both left.

Su-hyeok POV

I was walking with Gwi-nam and Cheong-san to get some food and drinks for the gang. We made it to the store and we spilted it up to make it faster. As I was getting the drinks I heard something but I ignored it and continued getting drinks. I found Gwi-nam and Cheong-san with snacks and other stuff in their hands. Gwi-nam pulled a bag out and we put everything in there. Just then we saw my worst fear in front of us. I started shaking, I didn't even know that I was shaking. My heart started beating faster and faster. I couldn't breathe. Cheong-san started fighting the zombie as Gwi-nam grabbed his gun and he shot at it. It fell to the ground and Gwi-nam put his gun back in his pocket. He dropped a picture from the back of his pocket. I picked it up and looked at it. It looks like them but younger. I looked at the writing that says "To my beautiful Devils who put their loves ones before them. Love Mom"
I looked at the writing again then back at them."We're brothers" they said together as the looked at me nervously."Why didn't y'all tell me" I asked."How was we're suppose to tell you, I force you to bully people and Cheong-san was afraid of telling you because he didn't know how you were going to react" Gwi-nam said as he and Cheong-san looked at me."And we're um well an hambie" Cheong-san said. I chuckled at them and they looked at me confused."Why your laughing, we're your worst fear" Gwi-nam said."No zombies are my worst fear, just because y'all half zombie doesn't mean I hate y'all" I said."Now come on the others are waiting for us" I said as I grabbed the bag and left. We made back to the school after 30 minutes and snuck back though the gym back door.

On-jo POV

I saw the guys come back in with a big bag of food."About damn time" I said as I walked over to the three. Su-hyeok went to the others as me, Cheong-san and Gwi-nam started talking."So what happened" I asked."He know, he know that we are brothers and a hambie" Gwi-nam said."How" I asked."A picture fell out of my pocket and he saw but he doesn't mind" Gwi-nam said as he and Cheong-san looked at Su-hyeok laughing with Gyeong-su."Guys come on, Dae-su eating all the food" Su-hyeok yelled as he smiled. We smiled as well and went over to them. I'm happy that Su-hyeok knows about Gwi-nam and Cheong-san secret. I hope they tell him that they like him before someone takes him.

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