"It hurts"

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Su-hyeok woke up to pain all over his body. He didn't know why he was feeling this way. He thought it was just going last about a minute. Oh how wrong he was. It lasted all day. Su-hyeok could barely walk from pain. His vision kept going in and out and he couldn't feel anything."Su-hyeok" Cheong-san called out to him. Su-hyeok couldn't hear him as he was groaning from the pain. Nayeon walked in and saw Su-hyeok in the tent in pain. She walked over to him and felt his head."Su-hyeok, you burning up" Nayeon said as she started taking a wet cloth and putting it on his forehead."I'll get the boys" Nayeon said as she stood up and ran to go find the brothers. She found them and they went into the tent."Su-hyeok" Cheong-san said as he walked in and ran over to Su-hyeok."Angel" Gwi-nam said as he stood at the front."It hurts really bad Cheong-san" Su-hyeok said as he groaned in pain. On-jo came in with her kit and started checking Su-hyeok. She found what was hurting him."It's his infection" On-jo said as she took the shirt off."Gwi-nam go get me some warm water and the ointment out of my tent" On-jo said to Gwi-nam. Gwi-nam just stood there. Not moving a inch. He flinched when he heard his name get yelled."GWI-NAM NOW" On-jo yelled as Su-hyeok eyes started going behind his head. Gwi-nam ran to On-jo tent and grabbed the ointment and the warm water. He ran back with the things On-jo needed and gave it to On-jo who put the ointment on Su-hyeok infection. Su-hyeok eyes rolled back and he started having a seizure."SU-HYEOK" Cheong-san screamed as Su-hyeok started having a seizure."GET OUT" On-jo said as Nayeon pushed everyone out. After 3 hours On-jo and Nayeon came out."How is he" Dae-su said as he stood up with the others."He's fine but......" On-jo started but paused."But" Gwi-nam said as he look at On-jo."He's a hambie but not like y'all" On-jo paused then continued, "He's a Royal Blooded Hambie" On-jo said. Gwi-nam and everyone else was shocked except for Woo-Jin who already knew it."What the hell is a Royal Blooded Hambie" Gwi-nam asked."He was born a zombie, he's a prince zombie" Woo-Jin said as he started playing on his phone."How I know, I just do" Woo-Jin said as he didn't look up from his phone. The others looked at him then back at the tent Su-hyeok was in. Gwi-nam still didn't understand what a Royal Blooded Hambie was."I don't know what it is either but I can simply tell that he's not human. There's something about the zombies not killing him every time they attack him. Not one time have they killed him. Yeah they injured him but not killed him" On-jo explained as she remembered Gwi-nam and Cheong-san telling him that they didn't kill him. On-jo was trying to put two together she did not see Su-hyeok sneak out of the tent. Ha-ri noticed and warned them."Yo, y'all boyfriend just left the tent" She said as she looked at the brothers. The brothers got up and ran to find Su-hyeok. Took 3 hours to found the boy. When they founded him they saw something that they didn't want to see.

Let me warn y'all
Zombies can't do any of this that I'm about to write. But in here they can so I advise y'all to either scold down or turn this off. Now let's continue

They saw a zombie kissing on their boyfriend or not boyfriend. Yet at least. Gwi-nam kicked the zombie head off and saw bite marks in Su-hyeok neck."Su-hyeok you okay" Cheong-san said as he bended down. Su-hyeok slowly nodded as he felt pain in his neck . Gwi-nam and Cheong-san looked at each other then they took the rest of Su-hyeok shirt off. Cheong-san started sucking on Su-hyeok neck as Su-hyeok moaned. Gwi-nam took Su-hyeok pants and boxers off and threw them. He took his off as well and flipped Su-hyeok on his knees as Cheong-san stripped."Are you ready Su-hyeok" Gwi-nam said as he looked at the boy face who was red. Su-hyeok nodded and Gwi-nam pushed his dick in. He pulled it out slowly then he started going fast.

After that

They put theirs and Su-hyeok clothes back on. Gwi-nam picked the soar boy up. Su-hyeok kept a tight grip on Gwi-nam shirt as they walked back."That was fun but is he our boyfriend or not" Cheong-san asked as he looked at his brother. Gwi-nam shrugged as they continued walking. They don't know if Su-hyeok is their boyfriend or not. They just has to wait to find out.

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