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Previously on the last chapter

"He's gone baby, we got you okay" Cheong-san said not realizing what he just said.

Now for today's chapter

No one POV

When they got back at the school everyone had set up the gym for them to sleep in tonight. Gwi-nam laid Su-hyeok in his and Cheong-san tent and covered him with the blankets."So what happened" Nayeon said as she looked at us."None of your business" On-jo said as she went over to Nam-re. Nayeon rolled her eyes and went back to her tent.

Su-hyeok POV

I woke up to something covering me. It felt like a blanket but it was also Gwi-nam jacket. How can I tell, well it smells like him, vanilla strawberry his scent. I got up and saw I was in a tent, I opened the tent and saw the others talking or sleeping. I got out of the tent and saw On-jo and walked over to her."On-jo" I said quietly. She looked at me and smiled. She pointed to the left where I saw Cheong-san and Gwi-nam at. I smiled at her and walked over to them."Angel your up" Gwi-nam said smiling. When will they stop calling me that I thought to myself. I nodded then I started walking out of the gym. I look to see if I could see any zombies and I started walking to the bathroom.

20 minutes later

I finished using the bathroom and I washed my hands. I started hearing crying in the stall next to the one I was in."Hello" I called out. No answer. I called ou again."Hello are you okay" I called out again. Still no answer. I started walking out of the bathroom when the crying stopped. I turned around and saw a boy behind me."Hello are you okay" I asked. He looked up and turned out it was a boy I knew from one of my classes. He then came towards, launching at me. I tried pushing him off but he was to strong. I kicked him in the nuts and got up and ran. He was right behind. He was so fast that I didn't look back. I ran up to the rooftop and I almost fell off the roof. He came right behind smirking at me. There was no where to run."Yo" I heard a familiar voice from behind the boy. The boy turned around and in a second he was down. Great they always have to save me, I'm not weak I don't need some knights and shining armor I thought to myself as Gwi-nam and Cheong-san walked up to me."You always in trouble Angel" Gwi-nam said as he offered me his hand. I slapped it away and stood up."One, I don't need y'all help, not now not ever. Two, stop fucking calling me fucking Angel. And three, leave me the fuck alone for once" I said angrily. They looked at me and then the left me alone on the roof. I realized what I said but I was to angry to take it back. I went downstairs and back in the tent. On-jo pointed me to the other tent and I went in there. It didn't have covers or anything but I couldn't care less.

No one POV

It was midnight and everyone was asleep. Su-hyeok was shivering in his sleep. He was cold and he was having a nightmare.

Su-hyeok Nightmare

I walked around the school and I saw nothing. That was weird I thought to myself as I walked back in the gym and saw zombies eating Cheong-san and Gwi-nam. I froze, I saw Gwi-nam gun on the ground and I ran towards it and shot it at the zombies. The zombies fell and I ran over to Gwi-nam and Cheong-san."G-G-G-Guys" I said as I felt tears pour down my face. I started crying really hard. I lost them, I didn't care if they called me Angel or saved me. I love them and now they gone, forever. I cried and cried until four pairs of hands woke me up.

End of Su-hyeok nightmare

No one POV

Su-hyeok woke up and saw Gwi-nam and Cheong-san looking at him."G-G-Guys" Su-hyeok stuttered. Su-hyeok stood up and hugged them tightly in his embrace. The brothers looked at him as he continued to cry."Stop crying An- Su-hyeok" Cheong-san corrected himself. Su-hyeok tightly grip him and looked at him."Don't call me by my name" Su-hyeok said."I thought you said don't call you that" Cheong-san."Well now I said don't call me by my name" Su-hyeok said as he looked down."Make up your damn mind damn it. Either we call you by your name or not call you by your name. Your so fucking annoying damn" Gwi-nam said not realizing what he just said. Su-hyeok completely lost it."YOU KNOW WHAT I'M AFRAID DAMN IT. I'M SO USE TO HAVING AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP OKAY SO SHUT UP. I'M ANNOYING OKAY AND Y'ALL ARE ASSHOLES Y'ALL KNOW THAT RIGHT" Su-hyeok yelled moving away from the brothers and putting his hands on his head and his knees to his chest crying. The brothers crawled over to the crying boy."Baby look at us" Cheong-san said. Su-hyeok looked up at them with tears in his eyes."Angel your not annoying all the time okay, your beautiful and sometimes annoying yes but not all the time. Now stop fucking crying and tell us who fucking hurt you" Gwi-nam said. Su-hyeok explained about his old relationships and Cheong-san and Gwi-nam was angry but the calmed down. They pulled him into their embrace and put Gwi-nam jacket on him. They waited until they heard small snores and took him into their tent."Please protect him" On-jo muttered as she closed her tent. They smiled then they walked in their tents and fell asleep with the love of their life in their embrace.

Our Angel Gwi-nam/Su-hyeok/Cheong-sanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin