"She doesn't know who she's messing with"

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Su-hyeok woke up to his back hurting. He remembered what happened last night and got embarrassed. He looked over to see the brothers sound asleep. Or so he thought. Su-hyeok got up to get dress when he was pulled back down."Ah what's was that for" Su-hyeok said looking at the one who pulled him down." Where your going" Gwi-nam asked as he opened his eyes."I was going to get dressed" Su-hyeok said as he tried to get out of Gwi-nam grip."Get changed right here" Gwi-nam said looking at the boy in his hand."But y'all are in here" Su-hyeok said. Gwi-nam chuckled and gave the confused boy a kiss on the forehead."We already saw your body baby" Gwi-nam said as he saw Cheong-san waking up."Morning brother" Gwi-nam said to his half asleep and half awake brother."Morning" Cheong-san said as he rubbed his eyes."Morning Angel" Cheong-san said as he gave Su-hyeok a kiss on the cheek."Morning Cheong-san, how you sleep" Su-hyeok said as he looked at the boy. Cheong-san smiled at this cute sight."I slept good, how about you Angel" Cheong-san said looking at the boy."I slept good, thanks for asking" Su-hyeok said as he finally got out of Gwi-nam grip. Su-hyeok grabbed some clothes and left the tent.

Outside of the tents

As Su-hyeok left the tent he saw Nam-re and Ha-ri talking about something. He couldn't quite get what they were talking about. As he walked closer to the shower tent outside next to the girls he started to hear something. Something like screaming. He looked to see if anyone else heard it but no one seem to notice. As he got closer to the shower he heard Nam-re and Ha-ri conversation.

"So is Cheong-san and Gwi-nam really are like me" Nam-re said as she looked at Ha-ri."Yeah and they told Su-hyeok, On-jo already know because she's really good friends with them" Ha-ri said as she looked over at Su-hyeok leaving the tent."Just become close to him to find out about those two, or you can betray On-jo and get close to her. It's your choice" Ha-ri explained as Su-hyeok got closer.

Su-hyeok was shocked that Ha-ri wanted to do something to Gwi-nam and Cheong-san. Su-hyeok went inside of the shower and try to forget about what he just heard and saw. After his shower he saw Nam-re standing outside of the shower." Nam-re, here to get close to me so I can betray Gwi-nam and Cheong-san. Because if you are then kindly fuck off" Su-hyeok said as he pushed past the confused girl. I walked to my tent and put my stuff back in my bag. I put all my sleeping stuff and tent in my duffle bag and I walked over to my boyfriends and jumped on Cheong-san back. I looked over at Nam-re who was talking to Ha-ri. I smirked, she just doesn't know who she messing with.

Chapter 7 coming November 4th

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