Daddy Niall Comes to Town!

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*Niall's Point of View.*

I stepped off the jet and into the airport. I'm almost blinded by paparazzi so I pull down my sun glasses. I'm so extremely nervous.

Today is the day I talk to Logan about the baby.

I want to keep the baby so badly and after talking to the boys and management, I think I should. I'm backed by both forces. The boys support me and management thinks it will add to our appeal a little.

I walk into the main area of the airport and see her. It's been three weeks since she told me she was pregnant and I was just able to slip away from recording.

She sees me and stands up. Through her shirt, I can see the start of a little baby bump. I smile but reject the feeling.

I'm happy to be a father but I know she isn't happy to be a mother. I don't want to set her off in anyway. She's still iffy about the whole keeping the baby thing.

I walk briskly to her and pull her out of the airport. The paps are having a hay-day with her. She doesn't need this publicity.

"Niall," she huffs, out of breath, "Slow down."

I slow to a pace she can maintain and steal a glimpse at her stomach. It seems to be unusually large for eight weeks but what do I know about pregnancy?

"I'm sorry, Logan," I say, hailing a cab, "I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Why would I feel uncomfortable?" she asks while I put my luggage in the trunk of the cab that pulled up to us.

"The paps were taking a lot of pictures," I say, helping her into the back of the taxi.

"The paps?" she asks, holding her stomach. She tells the cab driver the address and he pulls away from the curb.

"The paparazzi," I laugh, looking at her stomach.

She catches me looking and tears come to her eyes. "Stop looking Niall," she cries, falling into my shoulder, "I already know I'm huge!"

I laugh and rub her back. I'm starting to feel a connection to Logan. Maybe it's because my child is growing in her stomach but maybe it's not.

Either way, we've decided to give a relationship a go. She doesn't want the baby to have a broken family and neither do I.

I kiss the top of her head and she looks up and me, tears clouding her chocolate brown eyes. I really do hope our baby has her eyes.

*Logan's Point of View.*

Niall's deep, ocean blue eyes are staring into mine like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I'm not sure why. I'm so fat and disgusting with his baby inside my stomach.

Niall and I have decided to try at a relationship for the bab'y sake and I'm a little happy about it. He's fought for the baby and it made me realize that he wasn't going to bail on me when I needed him. He is going to be committed.

I feel my hand being taken in his and I lean my head on his shoulder, sniffling. I'm such an emotional wreck. With my hormones all jacked up, I think I might be falling for Niall.

I can't be. It's just my unbalanced hormones trying to trick me.

"Logan," he whispers, "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is my first ultrasound. We get to hear the baby's heart beat and I'm beyond excited. I didn't start off wanting this baby but now that I know I can count on Niall to be there for me and the baby, I'm excited.

"Not nervous," I smile, looking up at him, "Excited."

He smiles and kisses my forehead. We cuddle in the back of the taxi until we arrive at my apartment. By the time we get back, it's about ten o' clock at night and I'm exhausted. Niall carries his luggage to the elevator and I press the seventh floor button.

Once there, I try to help him carry his stuff down the hallway but he refuses, saying something about too much strain. I roll my eyes and open the door for him. He puts his stuff in my -our- room and changes into a pair of sweatpants.

I change into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top that hugs around my baby bump. I frown at it and look up to see Niall with his phone out, taking a picture.

"Niall!' I squeal, stomping my foot.

"I want to remember this!" he laughs.

I laugh and climb into bed. I pat the empty side and Niall slides in. I turn off the lamp next to my head and cuddle up next to him. I almost scream when I feel a hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently but realize it's Niall.

I drift to sleep to Niall humming to me and our baby.

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