Part twenty one

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Word count (1275)

Y/n pov:

Today, miss Stacy brought the whole class out into the forest to talk about nature in a more immersive way. She was at the head of the line as the rest of us followed.

I couldn't really make out what she was saying because I was towards the back with Gilbert, but I did spot some of the kids giggling and talking amongst one another.

As we walked along, Moody was hopping on some rocks. When he landed on the last rock, he slipped.

As he fell, I could see his leg hit the rock on his way down. He started screaming and the students gathered around him.

"Oh no,"


"Moody! Oh goodness me."

I heard Ruby scream and an unfamiliar scream shortly after. All of us looked towards the yell and spotted two kids.


"We are surrounded by savages!"

(Lines taken directly from the TV show so sorry if I offended anyone)

I saw Ruby start to tilt and I rushed over and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Everyone calm down!"

"Can we focus on Moody?"

"Ruby, are you alright?" I asked her as I settled her head on my legs.

I heard Gilbert over with Moody and miss Stacy talking about his leg.

"There's nothing I can do here, he'll need stitches."

"The Mi'kmaq village. It's nearby, they can bring help," Anne said.

I brushed Ruby's hair to the side gently as I watched Gilbert place a cloth on Moody.

"I know the way. I'll be right back." Anne said sternly and rushed away.

I just stared at her as she ran off.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Diana asked Gilbert.

"She's in shock. Giver her some honey. It'll bring her energy up."

Gilbert took a jar of his honey out of his bag and passed it over.

I slowly brought Ruby up to a sitting position.

"You're gonna be alright. This will help," miss Stacy said as she brought a spoonful of the honey to her mouth.

After eating it, Ruby looked over to the side and fainted once more.

I looked over and saw Anne had come back with two people.

"This is the Mi'kmaq medicine woman. She's here to help."

Everyone stared at the people and slowly backed away, I continued to hold Ruby and lightly stroked her hair.

"Who is dead? My son, he said someone died."

I rose an eyebrow, slightly confused.

"Uh... No one's dead. One of our girls fainted and a boy is hurt."

The older woman spoke in a foreign language.

"Alright, everyone let's move out of the way now."

The kids all got up and moved away, I stayed with Ruby, since her head was on my lap.

"Thank you so much for your help," miss Stacy said to the woman.

Gilbert spoke up, "hello. The girl will be alright, but the boy needs help."

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