Part six

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Word count (949)

Today is Monday, the start of a new school week and I dreaded it. After what happened on Friday, I really don't want to see Billy again. School was supposed to be about learning and making new friends, I am definitely not off to a good start.

Gilbert waited for me outside my house when I walked out the door.

He still had a black eye and a cut on his lip, but the bruise was fading so that was good.

My arm still had a good sized cut on it, but a scab has formed so I don't need to wrap it anymore.

"Good morning y/n, Your face looks like it's healing well," Gilbert said and smiled.

I touched my face, there was a slight visible bruise there but it was almost gone.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore, and my arm is healing good too. How is your eye?"

"Oh it's fine, it doesn't hurt, it looks much worse than it actually feels."

When we got to the school, everyone saw us and looked confused.

After I sat down Anne turned around. "What happened to you and Gilbert?!"

"Oh um... it's nothing, can we talk about it later?"

Anne was about to say something but something caught her eye and her face contorted into shock.

I turned around to see Billy with a busted lip and what looked like a broken nose.

My stomach flipped and I instantly looked over to Gilbert and he gave me a reassuring look.

I started shaking a bit so I turned to face forward. Try not to think about him.

To my luck, Billy didn't try to talk to me at all in the first half of class.

"Y/n, can you sit with us today for lunch?" Anne asked once we were dismissed.

I nodded my head a mouthed a sorry to Gilbert but he looked fine about it.

The girls sat down in the coat room in a circle.

I sat between Anne and Diana.

"Y/n, what happened," Diana asked.

I shifted where I was sitting because all of the girls were looking at me now.

"I got attacked by someone on Friday and Gilbert saved me."

Everyone gasped and Josie looked mad.

"Who attacked you," she sneered. But I had a feeling she already knew who it was. I flinched back a little at her words.

"Was it Billy? Is that why he looked so bad this morning?" Anne said and put a hand on my arm making me cringe.

A little blood seeped from the scab.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry, I'll go get you a bandage!" Anne said and ran off.

Thankfully, I didn't have to answer Josies question. As we ate, Josie and Ruby ignored me but I didn't care because I was taking to Diana and Anne.

"I'm so sorry he attacked you y/n," Diana said.

"I feel awful! You've only just moved here!" Anne said, while wrapping my arm up.

"It's okay, I'm just glad Gilbert was there."

I heard a scoff and I turned around.

Ruby and Josie were glaring right at me.

"You arrive here not even a month ago and you've already taken my only love!" Ruby sobs.

I just looked at her in disbelief. "Ruby... me and Gilbert are friends, we aren't anything more than that, and you can't just claim someone for yourself. Gilbert is a human capable of his own decisions, and maybe you would know that if you ever spoke to him!"

Everyone gasped at my sudden outburst, I clasped a hand over my mouth. But what surprised me more was Ruby's reaction.

"I'm sorry y/n."

Ruby looked up, "I'm sorry. If I want to be the lady I want to grow up to be, I shouldn't be making these silly and immature decisions."

Now everyone was looking at Ruby. "You're right y/n, I barely even know Gilbert and we've been to the same school for years now! I was too embarrassed to say a word to him, and you... you just went right up and talked to him like it was no big deal."

I smiled at Ruby and got up to hug her. "Thank you Ruby, I'm sorry too, for what I said. Do you think we can be friends?"


Josie got up and walked away.

"Just ignore her, I don't know what her deal is," Ruby said a shook her head.

I was really happy for Ruby. She made a grown up decision and it must have been really hard for her.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I steal y/n for a bit?"

I turned around to see Gilbert standing there.

"Oh sure," Ruby smiled and Gilbert had a slight surprised look on his face.

Once we left the coat room, Gilbert stopped me.

"Hey can I talk to you about something?"

I slowly nodded my head, unsure of what he was going to say.

"I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you. It was too quiet in our usual spot"

I grinned at his comment.

"That was all?"

He looked at the ground and kicked a rock. "Yeah."

We sat down and talked for a bit.

Then I noticed Gilbert get a little nervous.

"Is something wrong?"

He blushed a little. I smiled.

"I have somethi-"

The bell rang and whatever Gilbert was going to say was stopped short.

"Let's go inside," I said and we stood up.

He nodded his head.

For the rest of the day I wondered about what he said.

Sorry it's a short chapter! I have a class soon but I really wanted to write! Hope you like it :)

Edited: 11/05/22

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