jotaro: rejection pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Jotaro observed with a scowl. How are you letting a guy who you haven't seen in almost 6 years back into your life so easily? He's been waiting for you while you were waiting for someone else!

Throughout the day, everybody spoke about you and Sora.

"Did you see Y/N with that cutie from Kaisei? Jotaro definitely has some competition now!"

"They go way back, no way Jotaro will beat him!"

"Isn't he so handsome! He looks like a dream!"

You were lost in your thoughts as conversation broke out in class. Sora is back, but you're two totally different people now. Jotaro has been waiting for you for a very long time, and you can't allow Sora to break through your shield! You'll tell both of them that you're only interested in being friends.


At the train station...

You made it early to your train and you had 10 minutes before it came. Hmmm... a snack sure does sound nice.

You look to your right and see the same sea green eyes piercing your own. He was extremely close, clearly distraught.

"You think I only like you for your looks, right?" he asks.

You shrug, "You don't know me and you always asked me out of the blue in junior high, so probably."

He sighs heavily, "You never even gave me the chance to get to know you. If you're gonna have a crush on Matsuki, then you have to weigh it out fairly."

You turn to him, angry, "You don't know a thing about what happened with me and him, okay? So I'll tell you. Sora is... another reason why I don't believe in love. He left me in my time of dire need, but I know it wasn't his fault... I was just young and heartbroken and I let it get the best of me. He's back and I don't know how to feel. So just... drop it, okay? You don't know me like he does."

"No, you're wrong, You don't know me. How could he forget your extreme seasonal allergies? Y/N, you don't even know why I have a crush on you. You're pretty and all... but that's not what I'm after," he responds.

"What is it then? A bet to see who can break my heart of stone?" you argue.

"No, Y/N! Listen to me... On the first few days of junior high, you know I was short. Weak. Biracial. I did find you gorgeous at first, but I've always seen how kind you were. You never got mad at our annoying classmates, except for one time. The one time you ever got mad at someone was not because they offended you, but because they were picking on me."


"Ow!" Jotaro whines.

"You want another one? Beat it, this is my seat next to Y/N," your classmate says.

"B-But I got here first! How is it your seat?" Jotaro argues.


"Enough!" you yell, "Kaito, leave him alone! He was here first. Don't be a jerk!"

You shot a deathly glare at your classmate who then scurried off to the back of the classroom.

You walked over to Jotaro, asking, "Are you alright? Let's go to the nurse's office."

You shoot him a sweet smile as he looks at you in awe.


"And how do I know about your allergy? You grow them in your front garden, but you never walk near them without a mask," Jotaro continues.

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