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⚠️Warning ⚠️ some sensitive topics is mentioned⚠️

I walk into the 21st district and up to the desk to see the one and only Trudy platt with a smile on her face.
Yeah right like Trudy would ever smile.

"Hello" I say and she holds a finger up to me not even looking at me as she was on the phone.
I roll my eyes.
She finally gets off the phone
"What do you want?" She asked
"To be buzzed up stairs so I can talk to my dad" I say and she looks up and finally see it's me.
"Honey I didn't know you was back in Chicago" she says
"Yeah only for a couple of days to see the family then I'm back to New York." I say

"How's that boyfriend?" She raises a eyebrow.
I don't like talking about the abusive prick of a boyfriend I have.
"Oh it's great me and Dave is thinking about having a baby so I might stop being a officer and go to the medical field" I smile a fake smile.

She nods and didn't say anything else but points to the gate and I run upstairs after she buzzes me up.
I see everyone sitting at there desks.
I don't know anyone but Erin and jay and Alvin obviously as he's my god father.

Erin looks up and when gasped and stand up and walk over to me and hug me.
"I didn't know you was coming home" she said and I chuckled
"Well I wanted to surprise you and dad" I said
"What about me?" I hear and pull away from Erin as Alvin walks up to me.
"You too" I laugh and hug him
Over his shoulder I make eye contact with jay.
He smiles and nod at me.
Me and jay have a past that I really don't want to think about right now.

I pull away.
"Let me go bother my dad." I basically skip to my dad's office hearing some laughs and chuckles behind me.
I open the door and close it behind me.
"Hi dad" I say and he smiles and walk over to hug me.
I can't help but feel safe in my dad's embrace.
Like I'm protected from that monster Dave.

We pull away and I can't help but feel my eyes water but I push that away so my dad Doesn't start asking questions.

"So you back home for good?" He asked sitting on his desk with his arms folded
"No I just missed Chicago and you guys" I say and sit down on the couch.

"Where's Travis?" He asked and I can't help but roll my eyes and laugh
"Dad his name is Dave, Dave doesn't sound like Travis at all." I say.
"Oh. Well I don't like the guy so." My dad shrugs his shoulders.
"You don't like anyone I date, but where's Justin?." I asked

"He's at home hopefully" he said and I nod.

"Well I know you guys have a case so I will see you at home?" I asked standing up.
He nods at me.
"Great bye dad love you kisses" I say and hug him again and leave out his office.

Time skip

I was driving to my dads house when my phone rings and I see it's Dave.

I sigh and brace myself for his bullshit.
"Hello?." I answer

"Where the fuck are you?!."
"I'm in Chicago I told you I wan-."


I park my car and close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"I don't want to argue with you Dave"

"You know your getting real bold over the phone wait till you come home." Is all he says and hang up the phone.

Well that was better than normal so he must be in a good mood today.

I get out the car and walk up to the house.
I use my key and walk in.
"Justin!." I call out but I don't hear anything.

He must not be here.
I shrug and go up to my old room and open the door.
I smile seeing it's how I left it.

I walk to my bed and sit down and pick up a picture that was on the nightstand.
I smile seeing me hank, Justin and Erin.
I miss my mom.
Nothing was the same after she died.

I put the picture down and see another picture of us all but this time with Camille my mom.
Hank and Camille might not be my real parents but they're the only ones I have ever had so to me they're my real parents.


I was sitting outside in the cold crying.
My mommy made me come out here.
It's snowing and I have a thin layer jacket and some leggings on.
She's been drinking again.
I frown and cry harder seeing the red paint the snow on the ground and my hands.

Some pieces of glass fall out my hair as I sneeze.

Suddenly I see flashing lights on a moving thing.
I think it's called a car.

A guy gets out and walks up to me.
"Your gonna be okay." He says in a raspy voice.
For some reason I feel safe when I look at him so I run into his arms.

"It's okay now" he says and picks me up as I see other people go in the house and I hear yelling.

I then hear a gun shot and flinch at the loud noise but the man just holds me tighter in his warm embrace.

Flashback over

I sigh and lay down on the bed.
I hear a door open and footsteps on the steps.
I sit up quickly and smile knowing it's Justin
"Justin" I say and run out my room into the hallway where he is.
"Honey your back" he hugs me tightly picking me up off the ground.

"I missed you so much" I say and he puts me down.
"I missed you too" he smiles "come on tell me everything that's happened in your life" I say pulling him into my room.

Me and Justin sat talking for hours about any and everything I could tell he was leaving some things out but I won't bug him about it.

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