Chapter 4: Why are you crying?

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Basically this chapter if you get confused: Wukong gets lost in his thoughts, LBD thought it'll be funny to show him his 'destiny' in a dream or vision. But Macaque thought it'll be funny too to mess with Wukong and her and wasn't supposed to show up in the middle of it and she tries to cover up the mistake.

Tears. Dripping down by cheek to my chin, It was a dark black void and I was floating all around it. I reached my hand out to touch and suddenly I felt another lock hands with mine. It was strange but the hand was so warm and full of light I didn't want to let go.

The hand came closer to my face and wiped my tears from my eyes, I brought my other hand to cup the lights face, it felt..familiar. To me this person was strange in a way I can't understand...they switch to good or bad, but this time they're here for me. It felt nice to feel special for once. Suddenly they pulled me into a hug, I couldn't look at them since they were so bright like...the sun.

They were burying their hands in my hair and a soft, deep, soothing voice spoke out.

"Why are you crying, Wukong?"

They whispered in my ear, though that made more of my tears come falling out, I don't know what it is but...just someone asking if I was alright or a question that is related to my state makes me long for someone to understand my needs and wants.

"Heloooo, Peaches I'm talking to you!"



I pushed the light away and it was someone who'd I never thought think twice to be the one to comfort me right after all I did to him. When I looked infront of me, a shallow clear water appeared showing me my's the 'young version' of me that I saw in the mirror right in the bathroom??? This is just so confusing honestly.



I screamed in my thoughts, Macaque reappeared infront of me closing in my face. I tried to move my eyes else were but he just kept staring and it felt sooooo awkward.

"Heyyy Macaque you wouldn't mind telling me where am I and what are you doing here right?"

I raised my hand to fiddle with my hair because of the silence was stretching out and it was unlike the Six-eared Macaque. I was still smiling while having my eyes closed, I don't wanna keep having eye contact with him. I heard whispers and I opened my eyes to see her.

"Lady Bone Demon..."

I breathed out. Everything in my body was pulling me towards her like she's someone I can trust the most. She was smiling, so brightly it was creepy. She then hugged me.

"Oh Sunny! I was so worried, that man was going to take you from me!"


'I'm so mega confused right now and Lady Bone Demon didn't...look like the child she was possessing, and she was crying?'

But a blink took me and her to...Flower Fruit Mountain and there was my hut and the little monkeys playing around, approaching us while giggling. I heard one of them say...

'Woah look! Mother found Sunny!!'

'Sunny needs bandages!! He's got cuts!'

I reached up to my cheek and saw red...blood?

The lady finally let go of me. And she clicked her tongue as she rolled down her sleeves to wipe the blood.

"Oh dear...looks like you got these while you were running from that scary man."

'Pffft—Macaque scary??? That's something to laugh at'


'Who's Macaque again? Huh...wait!'

"Mother that was no scary man, it was Moony! We were playing a game and I accidentally ran too fast and got cuts!"

I huffed while Mother laughed at me, she looked... truly happy now. The other monkeys started climbing all over me, fixing my wounds. I laughed a little when they were cursing out Moony, he's going to throw a fit if I tell him what they said.

"Ah yes! My mistake dear, Moony always takes these games of yours far by combining shadows into tall figures just to look for you!"

"But that's what makes it so fun! Moony's the only one who plays with me just how I want!"

Mother and the other monkeys laughed as they played with my hair, I looked down on the ground. Smiling warmly, wishing these days would last.


"Monkey King!"

I blinked and shook my head. I saw Mk looking at me worriedly, As he looked up at the sky. Oh. Right I was confronting the other gods about Lady Bone Demon but they shook in fear infront of me and dropped a giant dumping into the mortal realm. And I had to communicate with Mk to stop it from exploding and destroying the earth. Yep. Sounds about right. But....

Why am I crying?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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