Seek: Rias Gremory has already acquired a rook and her queen and a knight. We are not even allowed to leave the underworld until we turn 15, so how is it possible that she got a hybrid, a cat, and a sacred gear user when she us not allowed to leave this realm?

Aizen has heard of this. The dog went above and beyond for his "Ria-tan" and once again showed favor towards her. The only one of these so called Satans that should actually lead the devils is Ajuka Astorath. A man of intelligence and a true mindset of a leader. The rest is a siscon, a sloth, and a women with PTSD so bad she know dresses up as a magical girl of all things. They are children. Kids that were forced to fight in a battle that they did not truly understand.

And after the war. Did they get to rest? No they did not. Instead they were forced into positions of power that would bind them to the underworld and allow no escape. Ajuka though can leave anytime though. After all he cares about no one that the elders could threaten.

Anyway Aizen still spoke.

Sebas: Its called favor Seek-chan. Its unfair but the weak have no opinion in things that truly matter.

Seekvaria was surprised by the dark truth of her friends words. She looked down at her lap as she contemplated them.

Seek: That is true...

Before she could think on it more and do some ridiculous training montage Aizen spoke.

Sebas: It seems to be starting.

Seekvaria looked up and what he said is indeed true. The man know as the Great King stepped up to the stage of the dinning hall that they sat in.

 The man know as the Great King stepped up to the stage of the dinning hall that they sat in

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His name is Zekram Bael. The First Great King. The Progenitor of the Bael Clan and the Shadow of the Devils. The Oldest Devil in Existence. 

Zekram: Welcome Young Devils. I am sure you all know who I am so lets get straight to the point: You are all required to produce children to help further the devil race.

Among the crowd people began to shift nervously. For they know what will come next.  

Zekram: As such, you will all be getting married. Your spouses have already been chosen.

Then he started naming off new couples that hap varying reactions. Some were lustful. Others were calm and some (Rias Gremory) were crying their eyes out. When Aizen's fake name was called out along with another he knew that his plan worked. Of course it did.

Zekram: Sebastian Sitri and Seekvaria Agares. You are required to produce at least one child.

Seekvaria gained a shocked look and started to pale. Her only friend has been forced into a marriage with her of all people. What if he hates her? Take out his lack of freedom on her?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over at Aizen who wore a kind smile that said 'everything will be alright'.

Sebas: Its alright Seek-chan. While this is unfortunate, us being forced, but I promise you that I will never do something that you do not want. So what happens from here is all up to you.

He smiled reassuringly before he removed his hand from her shoulder. Seekvaria also gained a smile. They could still be friends after all. There is still along time before they have to get married.  

Seek: Thank you, Sebastian. I am very lucky to have you instead of him.

She said with a laugh as pointed at a spectacle across the hall. Aizen looked and thought of how something interesting did happen after all.

Rias: I will not marry you, you scum!

The crimson haired girl stated as she emptied out her drink on the blond devils face, who looked absolutely livid.

Aizen then looked to were Sona Sitri, his so called sister, wa sitting while she thought of ways to get out of her marriage. Knowing her she could do it but it would have lasting repercussions. Well she will learn that when the time comes.

Luck? Why would anyone rely on such a thing? Why would I rely on something as fickle as luck?

When everything is apart of my Plan

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