Chapter 10

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Yoongi was knocking on the door, pleading with Nari to open the door to no avail, so after 30 minutes, he called Daehyun.

Nari was trying not to have a panic attack. She threw up 3 times and was too weak to get up. Yoongi regretted telling her tonight and was worried that she wasn't responding to him. Daehyun came bursting into the room and went straight to Nari who was lying on the floor, in a ball, with tears streaming down her face. Yoongi walked in behind him, his guilt increasing ten fold after he saw her.



Yoongi picked her up and placed her on the bed, while Daehyun got a cloth after he cleaned the bathroom.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi said, holding her in his arms

"Um, Yoongi, can I get her some ice cream?"

"Will it help her stomach?"

"She won't eat anything else, but I'll make tea as well,"

"Maybe I should make them," he offered but Nari shook her head and held him tighter

Yoongi sighed and pulled her closer so he could straddle his lap. Nari seemed to calm down after 10 minutes, Yoongi whispering kind words and kissed her softly. When Daehyun came, he handed the ice cream to Yoongi who handed it to her.

"Feed me," she whispered

He fed her a few scoops and she seemed to calm down even more, reducing to a few sniffles every few minutes.

"Can you tell me what happened,"

"I panicked," she said simply

"Why?" Daehyun asked, sitting on the bed

"It felt like history was repeating, and then I felt sick,"

"Did she drink a lot?"

"No, she barely had 1/2 a glass of wine,"

"Nari, is it because he's rich,"

"He's not rich, wealthy is the better word. I'm not mad about that, I already know he owns BigHit,"

"I thought I hid it well,"

"Idiot, I had to read the previous contracts and Mr. Bang told me," she said to them

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to meet his parents, what if they don't like me, or the fact that I'm divorced with kids,"

"I would smack you, if your boyfriend would let me. I know that bastard's parents tried to torture you but everyone is different. Plus if they're mean to you, macho man here would protect you," he deadpanned

"Was I over reacting?" She looked at Yoongi

"Doesn't matter, my parents can wait," he said giving her a kiss

"Meet when you 2 get engaged or a kid. Next time you have a panic attack in working hours, I was finishing my date,"

Nari glared at him, throwing a pillow at him.

"Thanks for coming over," Yoongi said, gratefully

"Anytime after 9am," he teased, "Oh and you 2 might want to get to a hospital, she might be pregnant,"

The couple were shocked, both too stunned to speak. Yoongi went to his side of their bed and brought her closer to him so that they could cuddle.

"Are you scared of becoming a mom again?"

"No, you're the best dad, what if you parents don't approve, we just started dating,"

"My parents support me a lot, so they won't go against my wishes,"

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