Chapter 4

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~The next morning~

Yoongi woke up to see a foot in his face. He tried to get up but he forget that Nari fell asleep on him and was currently pouting at him moving but she didn't wake up.

He moved Taehyung and Jiwoo who were upside down and sleeping soundly before he eased and got away to start ordering breakfast and check on the others. He smiled at Nari and the 4 kids who snuggled up to her. He put on a sweater and walked over to Namjoon's room, finding Jin on the couch and Namjoon drinking coffee.

"Rough night?" Yoongi asked

"He's not going to be functioning today," Namjoon answered

"Well, we have a meeting in an hour so are you okay?"

"I'm okay, how were the kids?"

"Little cock blocks," he said, resulting in Namjoon doing a spit-take

"Hyung!" he groaned, trying to wipe off the laptop

"What! I almost kissed her. I'll buy you a new laptop today,"

"Stop dropping these bombs on us," Seokjin said getting up

"You're conscious?" Yoongi asked genuinely surprised

"Barely, so please no screaming or sudden movements,"

They spoke for a bit and left to get ready for the meetings before Yoongi went back to Nari's room to help her before he had to leave. Nari was at the table feeding the younger ones while the older boys were eating and excited about the day's activities. Mr Bang was taking the 4 boys to an amusement park with a few assistants who were happy to help.

"Appa!" Taehyung smiled

"Hey bear,"

Yoongi looked at his son who offered him some of his breakfast, ate the bacon and kissed his head.

"Good morning,"

"Good morning sa'chon," they greeted

"Good morning oppa,"

She made a plate for him and sat back down. After breakfast, the kids got ready for the day and Namjoon came for the boys and Yoongi, leaving the twins with Nari. Seokjin came to take the twins for an hour so that Nari could get ready. She called Daehyun and spoke to him while she was getting ready.

"What are you wearing?"

"I don't know, but I have a few options,"

"Tan and black coat, black leather pencil skirt with the black long-sleeved blazer and black combat boots,"

"Hair up or down?"

"Half and half but brush out the curls,"

"Why am I not a model for you?"

"You are, haven't you seen the business Instagram, I tagged you,"

"Is that why my Instagram has so many requests?"

"Take a picture and tag me, do you want to be paid for it?"

"No need, I get free clothes, that's enough. I'm going to admit something to you but don't yell at me,"

"Have you married again?"

"No, I like someone," she said, fixing her hair

"Me too, is it Yoongi?"

"How did you find out?"

"You 2 don't hide, plus I had a talk with him a few nights ago,"

"You 2 talked about me?"

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