Chapter 9 A Warning

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Narrator POV

It was pouring, cold, and dark as the Reynard moves through the mud and old debris of rock and rust. The drops pounded the windshield and floodlight shine the way as Maxxis calmly drove through the rain in the safety inside of his warm and comfy cabin. But then the Reynard stopped and beeped four times indicating that a power fluctuation was detected externally forcing Maxxis to do a manual restart. Pulling a lever between his feet as a loud, echoey, and mechanized screech was heard in the distance. "I've got company," he said to himself as he got the power restored but was stuck in the mud.

He decides the hop out and pulls out an E-tool walking around his vehicle to see that both the left front and rear tires were submerged in mud. Seeing this he immediately starts digging into the mud as strangely the mud was Black and slightly adhesive as it stuck to his gloved hand but was easy to wipe off.

Mysterious Figure POV

I watched the thing shovel away the sludge that trapped its tires giving me time to gather information on how it reacts, its behavior, and how it will defend itself. But I did not know how calm it was when I let out my dreadful screech, timing the thunder with my screech I made it louder than the strike. When I finished they positioned the floodlights to cover its radius of one hundred meters as Fracture Hound, their master, and their kindred fellowmen are revealed only for fifteen seconds before it flickers out into complete and utter darkness in that general direction then they make themselves glow in an ambient strobe.

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