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"Really wished Amelia wouldve joined us." You sighed with disappointment, Chris shrugged his shoulders with agreement.

"Yeah, but there isn't much we can do about it y/n, she does have her own responsibilities here in her universe." He replied.

Not that long ago, you and Chris Bandit had entered into Amelia LethalHowl's reality to either hang out or even go on a multiversal adventure together, but she declined. So you two are left to stand around her front door while wondering what to do now, that is until you got an idea!

"I kind of want to know what Mario is up to... do you want to find out?" You asked Chris, like an excited child on their birthday Chris was more than happy to go with your idea.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Chris almost shouted, considering both of you were still in an neighbouring area so shouting out loud would bring unwanted attention, especially as the fact that Chris is identical to Crash Bandicoot.

Without any hesitation, you activated a portal with your special abilities that you got thanks to being a part of multiversal travelling, through that portal you both could see Princess Peach's castle in sight! Just took one step through the portal and you've made it to your destination, although right after the portal closed curiosity got Amelia to open the front door and question silently what or who was making some noise, Sans of course was confused by this but didn't want to question too much into it.

Meanwhile, you and Chris took the time to have a look around the surroundings and notice that something strange was going on, for starters why were there so many weird rabbit creatures everywhere? Climbing on bush statues of characters one of you didn't recognise and having fun by running around, then the both of you heard Mario call out.

"Hello there! It's been a while since the last time we've met" Mario greeted as he walked up to you two, you both greeted him before Peach came up.

"Mario, have you've seen Rabbid Mario's overalls? It seems as though they've been misplaced and without them he won't leave that bush he's in right now." She explained as she pointed out the bush that Rabbid Mario was hiding in, Chris could only show a confused look as a lot has changed since you have last met Mario and his friends.

"I just have one question Princess, what's the deal with the rabbits everywhere?" Chris finally ask, you've also noticed other rabbit creatures that dressed up to look like Princess Peach and Luigi while Mario agreed to go look for Rabbid Mario's overalls, you giggled to Chris's confusion.

"Oh, they're not exactly called rabbits, they're known as 'rabbids'" She corrected him.

"Rabbids? Ok... what's the deal with them exactly?" Chris asked while you watched Mario found the overalls with a floating rumba, with colours of white and blue. As Chris and Peach's conversation went over your head you watched Mario return those overalls to a rabbid that looked like Mario, Rabbid Mario was pleased as after he put his overalls on he jumped out of the bush he was hiding in.

"Oh, I knew I should've hidden them somewhere else." The Rabbid that looked like Luigi said a little quietly but loud enough for you to hear.

"That's not very nice to hide someone's clothes you know." You said, letting Rabbid Luigi know you heard him.

"He's probably jealous that only one of us does look better in casual alternatives to pants." Rabbid Mario said confidently, not even angry that Rabbid Luigi was the culprit.

"All's well that ends well I suppose, we can all now enjoy this nice day." Peach said, her voice as sweet as ever.

"And even get to know our news friends that have joined us! Tell us, who are you two?" The floating rumba asked excitedly to you and Chris.

"You are one interesting little thing, aren't you, we'll I'm Chris and this is my friend y/n." Chris introduced yourselves, you waved with a friendly smile on your face, a way of saying hi.

"It's so lovely to meet you two! You seem to know Mario and his friends, I'm Beep-O and this is Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Luigi and Rabbid Peach." Beep-O introduced himself and the Rabbid versions of Mario, Luigi and Peach.

"Now that's that settled, we can now kickback and relax, safe with the knowledge that EVERYTHING is under control." Beep-O added which everyone blindly agree, not like they can see the future.

Mario took a quick look at the clear blue sky before noticing something flying fast, which was fast enough to take him off his feet. The tackle from whatever it was nearly took the wind out of Mario's lungs, you all were confused as to what took Mario out.

"You ok?!" You asked as you offered your hand to help him up, Mario was just about to answer your question when he placed his hand on his head and realise that his hat wasn't on his head, that's when the other question was answered by a floating creature wearing Mario's hat, covering its face.

It moved away from behind Mario, shaking with fear, he was surprised at first but then removed his hat from the small yellow creature ro reveal that it looked like a Luma but with ears and facial features of a Rabbid, it was scared at first but once Mario took his hat off of it, it smiled as if glad to see all of you. Then three more star creatures showed up, circling around some of you as they cheered.

You noticed that Rabbid Peach seemed really shocked by something so you looked in the same direction and saw what Rabbid Peach saw, a massive galaxy coloured flying stingray of some kind, it's presence shook the ground like an earthquake, it got close to the castle and created some black ink that started to cover everything it touched, yet with this chaos going on Rabbid Peach thought it was a great idea to bring out her phone to take photos, not paying attention that the stingray was actually coming towards her, without hesitation Chris ran as fast as he could to get her out of the way, but the massive flying creature was so fast that it swept up both Chris and Rabbid Peach.

"Rabbid Peach!!" both you and Mario called out before Mario pushing you out of the way so you weren't caught by the thing.

Panic was everywhere from the Rabbids as they ran all over the place, but you could see that Mario and Peach knew what to do. So while you brought out your black rainbow wings Mario ran after the massive stingray while Peach had her hands ready to give Mario a boost jump, as Mario jumped from Peach Beep-O got out a hoop of some kind from under him for Mario to grab, you followed Mario as he then let go of the hoop from Beep-O and got into the inky back of the stingray, you dived not long after.

It's now a rescue mission to save Chris and Rabbid Peach.


Hello readers! If this is your first book made by me, welcome! If not, welcome back!

So I've just started playing the new Mario + Rabbids game as I have played the first one and so far it's really good!

And this story is exploring the fact that right now, I don't exactly trust this Edge character, I'm so sorry for those that have finished the game and knows what to expect, but because I'm writing as I play that is how I feel about Edge.

Also can someone answer me to if Edge is actually a girl or not, not that it matters but until Edge talked I really thought they were a male, hehe 😅

Anyways so hey, hoped you've enjoyed so far!

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