Until we meet again

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Amy was rushing around getting things packed into her suitcase while Stephen lay in his bed watching her.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go, don't worry, you'll be okay on your own for a few days, I'll have someone check in on you at lunchtime." She rapidly spoke as she was rushing around, getting things sorted, and getting things seem to.

Stephen followed her with his eyes, wondering where the hell she was going in such a hurry, and why he was not informed ahead of time.

"I will be in shortly to get you dressed." Amy informed. "My train doesn't leave for another half hour, so I can get you settled and ready for school!"

Once she had Stephen dressed in a black suit and a bow tie and put black shoes on him, she put him into his chair and attached his communication device.

"Amy, why are you leaving?" Stephen's computer spoke.

"I wish not to be impotent, sir, but it is none of your concern as to why I have to leave, like I said, there will be somebody to check on you at lunchtime in school, now we really must be going otherwise, you will be late," Amy spoke as she was rushing around to get all of his stuff prepared and ready.

"What about breakfast?" Stephen asked.

"No time!" Amy answered quickly as she got Stephen's coat off the hook and wheeled him out to his car.

Once he was loaded into the car, and Amy got in the driver seat, they drove off.


Once they had arrived at school, Amy got Stephen unloaded and didn't hesitate to wave goodbye to him and got back into the car and drove off.

Jimmy was waiting by the front door when he saw that Stephen was standing all alone in the courtyard, Jimmy went up to him.

"Hey, I've noticed that Amy drove off, any idea why?" Jimmy asked as he took Stephen inside.

"No, it seemed very hectic this morning, and I am not sure why she is acting like that. She said that somebody would meet me for lunch, I assume another caregiver but I am not sure, we might have to wait and see." Stephen's monotone voice spoke.

"Yes, well, the kids are in the dining hall having breakfast, should we join them?" Jimmy asked.

"No, thank you, it would be nice if you took me to my classroom." Stephen instructed Jimmy.

Jimmy nodded and took Stephen to his classroom.

"Mornin' professor, what are you doin' 'ere all by yourself?" an unfamiliar voice spoke as somebody came into the classroom.

"Who are you?" Stephen asked.

"I'm gonna be yor new aide, right, sir, wile Amy is oray, is that ok?" The voice asked.

"That is fine, what is your name?" Stephen asked.

"My name is George!" George answered coming further into the room and standing in front of Stephen.

Stephen noticed that George was very smartly dressed, he had a tuxedo on and black pants and black shoes.

"It's nice to meet you, George." Stephen smiled.

"You too, sir!" George spoke.


In the teachers lounge, Stevie, Jimmy and Alan were sitting at a round table each of them had a cup of coffee in their hands.

"Have you seen Stephen today?" Stevie asked.

"Yes, he said something about that Amy has left him!" Jimmy answered.

"What, already, where is he, I best go and talk with him!" Stevie said, getting up and walking out of the teachers lounge.

"He's down the hall in his classroom, so I suggest one of us come with you." Jimmy said as he got up and followed Stevie out of the teachers lounge and down the hall.

Arriving at Stephen's classroom door, Stevie knocked but when came no answer he pushed in the door.

"Is it time for class already, George fetch my papers." Stephen ordered, George got up from where he had been sitting and walked past Stephen to his desk to get the papers that he had requested.

"No, it's not time for class yet for the students but I wish to discuss something with you, Jimmy informed me that Amy had left, and I was wondering why?" Stevie inquired from the doorway.

"Please come in and take a seat." George took Stevie's arm.

Stevie shrugged him off and walked to the middle of the room and stood there.

"I would like to sit down in a chair please." Stevie announced to George.

George brought over a chair and Stevie sat down.

"Mr Hawking, is it ok? if I step out, as I wish not to intrude on your conversation with Mr. wonder." George asked.

"Yes, that will be all." Stephen answered.

George nodded and walked off, closing the door behind him.

"Now, what is it that you would like to talk with me about?" Stevie asked.

"About Amy, this morning, she was in a rush, and to be completely honest, I'm not sure why, maybe she feels that there is nothing between us." a tear rolled down Stephen's cheek.

"What would you like me to do about it?" Stevie asked.

Then there came and knock on the door, and Ollie and his assistant came in.

"Are we late?" The assistant asked.

"No, but there are no classes this morning, but if Ollie wishes, he can stay with us, if that's okay with you, Mr. Hawking?" Stevie asked turning his attention to the assistant.

"I suppose that is fine, even though we were just in the middle of something." Stephen answered.

"Should we come back later, sir?" The assistant asked.

"No." Stephen replied.

Ollie and his assistant came further into the room and sat down across from Stevie and Stephen.

His assistant brought out some sensory toys for Ollie to play with.

"There ye go, lad!" The assistant whispered.

"Now, where were we, ah, yes, I believe we were discussing Amy and why she had left me?" Stephen continued.

"Yes, to be fair I do not know why she would leave you, maybe she didn't want you to think that there was something between you two, I don't know about you, but from the first moment that I've met her, she seemed very keen on you!" Stevie responded with a bit of swagger in his voice.

"Indeed, though I was not very keen on her." Stephen responded.

Stevie got up and walked out the door, and quietly closed the door behind him once he had left.


I do hope that you enjoy this chapter because I sure enjoyed writing it, remember to comment and vote.

And do you remember that if you have any requests for upcoming chapters, let me know down below in the comments.

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