Meet the children.

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It was 8 AM and the buses filed into the school parking lot, in total there were three buses for the special-needs classrooms and six buses for the normal students.

The principal and the special ed teachers lined up outside to wait for their students.

"This is so exciting!" Jimmy said to Alan who was standing next to him.

"I agree!" The country singer agreed with his friend.

Once all the students were loaded off of the buses the principal stepped forward.

"Now, each of you will be assigned a student, that means you should look after them throughout the day even if they are not in your class." The principal addressed the special education teachers.

Stephen 'awkin, please cum forrad ta meet thy student!" The principal announced as Stephen was wheeled forward to meet his student.

"This here is Waylon, he has cerebral palsy meaning that he cannot control his limbs, so if he accidentally hits you it's not his fault!" The Principal exclaimed pointing to a redheaded boy sitting in a black and blue wheelchair.

"If I may ask, how does he communicate?" Amy asked curiously.

Gestures, wi've bin tryin ta gerr 'im ta use 'is communication device bur 'e refuses ta, 'e cannot speyt sa 'a' is 'is onny form o' communication." The Principal said as he walked away.

Meanwhile Stevie Wonder was being introduced to his assigned student by the vice principal.

"This 'eear is ollie, 'e is blin', autistic 'n doesn't call.." The vice principal exclaimed.

Stevie looked rather confused he didn't know what to make of the principal speaking in his Yorkshire accent, not wanting to be rude Stevie smiled anyway.

"Very nice to meet you, I hope that we will be good friends!" Stevie attempted to make small talk with Ollie.

"How old are you?" Stevie asked.

"Currently Ollie is 17 though 'e 'as t' mental capacity o' an eight-year-owd, doesn't understan' much!"" The vice principal answered for Ollie.

Stevie nodded.

"Time for science." The head teacher of the special Ed class called as the students all filed into the school.

Waylon's teachers aide who was pushing Waylon in his wheelchair stopped and knelt down to him.

"Waylon, first science then music!" She said pointing to a picture of a beaker with Stephen's face next to it, then she pointed to a musical note with Stevie's picture and Alan Jackson's next to the musical note.

Waylon looked at the photos but didn't make any movement.

"Does he understand?" Stephen asked.

"We think he does, we are not entirely sure!" The aide answered as they continued walking to the science room.

"We usually have science in the morning with the more severely affected students who understand less, usually we have a one on one science lesson with them, then afterwords if they are too tired we go to the sensory room with em', if you would like to check it out yourself we can go there after science lesson." The aide offered to Stephen.

"Sure." Stephen answered. He was a little bit offended that the teachers aide thought that he needed to go to the sensory room, Stephen didn't think that he needed to go but he would go anyway just because.

Once they had arrived at the science room Amy opened the door and wheeled Stephen in and held the door open for Waylon and his aid to come into the room.

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