"Well, with alien toxins you never know if there will be latent after-effects. Can't have you dropping on us, can we?" The way he held her wrist felt strange. He smiled at her, "Of course, if you did, I'd be right there."

"Um...thank you?" She saw movement in the corner of her eye and looked over at Ardus's desk. The Dreen was sitting hunched over his terminal's typing surface, his hands poised over the key display, but he was looking at Doctor O'Connell with narrowed eyes. She looked down at her wrist, which Martin was still holding. Oho, he doesn't like this! She realized Martin was saying something, but she didn't understand a word of it. "I'm sorry?" After he repeated himself, she realized he was speaking English. "I was saying I don't see you around much, maybe after you finish up here we can head over to my flat."

"Your...flat?" English?

"Sure, we can break open a bottle of scotch I brought from home."

"Scotch?" What is happening?

"Yeah, I nicked it past customs on the way. I can pour it neat or on the rocks, or any way you like it." He flashed the smile again. "And I do mean any way." His fingers tightened around her wrist, and Nina felt rather than heard a low rumble start somewhere in the vicinity of the Dreen. Oh, he does not like that. And frankly neither do I. She pulled her arm back. "Thanks for the offer, but I have something I need to finish tonight."

"For him?" Martin jerked his head at the Dreen. "Come now, Nina, you don't have to be at his beck and call."

"Actually, he's in charge of my residency, so in a sense I do."

Martin tsked. "Oh Nina, surely you don't prefer the company of these...these fish? Or have you spent so much time with them you've forgotten what your own people are like?"

Nina sniffed angrily. They're not fish! "Sorry, I have work to do." Turning back to her terminal, Nina saw something flash on her desk and realized it was Doctor O'Connell's left hand. Oh, you pig!  Switching back to Dreen and speaking louder than necessary, she said "So, Doctor O'Connell, how's your wife?" At her sudden change in language and volume, both men looked up sharply and with wildly different expressions: Martin guiltily and Ardus with raised brows. She held Martin's eyes and he fidgeted, snatching his hand back and holding it behind his back. "Ah, well, er, she's...not on Dreenai at the moment."

"Then may I suggest you go visit her, I'm sure she misses you." Unless she knew what you're up to. Asshole. A deep, rumbling voice came from across the room. "Doctor O'Connell, is there something I can help you with?" Ardus was sitting up now, his hands folded on his desk. Even though there were several feet and a desk between him and O'Connell, the Dreen's sheer strength of presence made the room feel uncomfortably small. Doctor O'Connell swallowed hard, looking pale.

"Actually," Nina gave Martin a long, cold look, "Doctor O'Connell was just leaving, weren't you?" She stared him down, daring him to press the issue.

"Ah, yes, I suppose I am. Sorry to bother you." He scuffled back from her desk, his shoes rasping across the mats. "I'll, er, I'll see you around."

"If you're lucky. Bye-bye," she waggled her fingers at him, waving him off with a dismissive flip. "Say hello to Mrs O'Connell for me," she twittered at his retreating back. Once the door slid shut behind him, Nina sighed and slumped back against her chair. "Ugh!"

Softly, Ardus spoke up. "Is everything all right? You seemed...uncomfortable." The Dreen's nose-bridge creased with concern.

"I'm fine, but I'm glad you said something. Can you believe him?"

Ardus shook his head slowly. "I am afraid I did not catch most of what was said. I... I do not speak any human languages."

"He was just trying to get me to come over to his place and drink while his wife is on another planet." Nina shuddered. "Gross." She noticed Ardus visibly bristled at that. His jaw clenched and his hands curled while his upper lip drew into a sneer, but he remained composed.

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