"I don't know." he said and looked down at his body. "I'm so fat and uncoordinated right now."

"You're beautiful." I said and crossed the room to pull him into my arms.

"You're the most beautiful Omega in the world and I want to show you off because you're having my baby."

"Okay." he said with a smile. "Let me change into maternity slacks and a dress shirt at least."

It was the middle of the week, so the restaurant wasn't busy.

Even if it had been, they would have found a table for me.

For the first time, it occurred to me that didn't matter.

I'd worked so hard to be important but why?

Why did it matter if I was important to people running a restaurant?

My mate and child were the people I really needed to be important to.

But instead of calling and canceling my trip to Japan, I just swore to myself that I would work less after the trip.

It was a promise I'd made many times and had never kept.

I knew I couldn't keep it.

There had been a ton of work involved in getting ready for the Japan deal but there would be three times as much when it was done.

Somewhere deep inside I knew that was the truth but I'd convinced myself I really could keep the promise to Jungkook and Ari.

"Does this mean you're going back to working less?" Jungkook asked hopefully after the waiter had taken our orders.

I didn't really feel like I was lying to him because I had convinced myself it was the truth.

"Well, I will be very soon but unfortunately I have to fly to Japan for a few days tomorrow."

"I promise I'll be working a lot less after the deal is done."

"But I could go into labor at any time." Jungkook said. "You could miss the birth of our baby."

"I don't think that will happen."

"I'll only be gone three or four days and you're probably not going to have the baby this week." I said but I had no way to know that.

It was wishful thinking.

"There's nothing you can do to put it off?" he asked.

"If I do that, then I risk having to leave you alone with the baby for a few days." I said.

"I wouldn't be alone, Did you forget that we hired Karen?"

"We have a nanny ready to go."

"I don't want you to go at all but I just don't want you to miss the birth of our baby." He sounded so defeated.

"I won't I promise."

Heat rose in Jungkook's cheeks.

He was angry and that was some thing I wasn't used to seeing.

Jungkook didn't get angry but I had brought it out in him.

I felt an immense shame in that moment but not enough for me to cancel my trip.

I should have hated myself just a little bit more.

"You can't make that promise and even if you could, it's not like I have a reason to believe you." Jungkook said.

"I love you but you've made too many promises that you didn't even really try to keep."

"I didn't want to admit it but I don't think you're good for us."

"Maybe I should have just taken your original offer."

"Kookie please." I said but he was right.

"I'm done." he said and stood up.

"Have your lawyer contact me with an agreement."

"Kookie wait."

But he didn't and he shouldn't have.

I had broken so many promises.

I'd sworn that I'd work less and put my family first but I hadn't.

Sure I made good on it for a couple of months but then my hours started creeping up.

I spent more time at the office and Jungkook waited.

I guess I'd assumed he'd always wait but he was better than that.

He was too good for me because I was just a workaholic who couldn't appreciate what I had.

I always wanted more and because of that, I had nothing.

Because as I watched him walk away, I realized that none of it meant anything without him.

There was only one thing I could do but I had to fly to the other side of the world to figure out that I should have stayed at home.


THE LAST THING I WANTED ||JIKOOK ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora