Chapter 19: The Broken Antidote

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I open my eyes and to my surprise, we're are now outside the dark forests. I can see the Hogwart castle not far away from us, "woah! Smith that was so cool!" Henry exclaimed, I also don't know how did I do that, but for sure that was my powers or maybe it came from the gem. I gasp as I remember Charles "oh no! We need to get him to the hospital wing!" I said, Henry said he will bring Charles to the wing hospital with Harry "I'll tell the others we already found Charles and Henry" I said to Harry as he help Henry to pick up Charles.

"Okay" Harry replied. I watch them slowly getting disappeared on my sight. "Come out, I know your in here" I said and I hear footsteps behind me I turn around and to my surprise "Lilith?" I was surprised to see her "it's been a while since we last saw each other, Christina. I believe it's time for you to learn" she said

"What? What are you talking about?" - Christina

"Your powers, the Ivictus you use to go here and disappeared together with your friends" - Lilith

"You mean the powers in use earlier?" - Christiana

"Yes, and that is not the only one. Your true power will be soon come out. That's why I'm here to train you how to use it" - Lilith

"Wait hold on, how did you know I use it? You weren't there with us so how?" - Christina

Lilith went silent for a minute "because I can sense it" she replied making me confuse sense? She sense me??? I thought. "But that's not the important right now, what important is. I have to train you how use your own powers, because in the future you'll need it to defend yourself and protect the Gemstones" she said before turn her back on me and walks, in other hand I run and followed her to where she's going.

She look at me and said "put your hand on my shoulder and hold tight. No matter what, don't let go" I only nod and put my hand on her shoulder. Suddenly both of us were no like a thin air like before, not just that I feel like I would let go any moment but Lilith told me not to let go. So I close my eyes tightly shut. "We're here" I open my eyes when I hear Lilith's voice, "where are we?" "We're in the place where your mother use to train herself" "train herself???" I titled my head to the side and she turn around to look at me. "There is no time to explain, you have to get ready for the dangerous and battle coming on your way" said Lilith, looking at me straight on the eye.

Honestly, I don't know if I can really protect the gemstone or defend myself. I sill haven't found my brother and sill don't know how to use my powers. "Tina, I need you to listen to me very carefully" she said in serious tone "I already explain everything to professor Dumbledore and agreed to me. From now on you will be here at 8pm every night" "8PM?! But I need to get ready for the bed!" I exclaim.
"We don't have a choice, you need to do this. You want to find your brother and mother right?" I nodded at her "but, does this training really help me to defend myself, to defeat Sandra, to protect the gem, to find my mother and brother and other else" I asked her with full of worried on my eyes, lady Lilith sigh and put her hands on my head patting me.

"Tina, your a good girl, a kind one, and a brave kid just like your mother and I believe you will to it! I understand you are scared, but you will get use to it when the time comes"- Lilith

"I don't know... But if that's all then I can take to protect these Gems and to find my brother and mother... Then I will... " - Christina

Back at the Hogwart castle, I was standing to the window, we were at the wing clinic, I stare at the surrounding outside, as I sigh, someone suddenly hug me from behind "CHRISTINA!!!!" and oh god, I knew who that was. "Charles, will you please let me go?" I said politely but Charles seems to be stubborn "Christina! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He asked as he will hugging me, his voice was full of worried, and I sigh while putting my hand on my forehead. "I'm fine Charles, can you please let me go now?" Charles sill didn't let go even though I asked him multiple times "I won't! I was so worried about you!" "Charles please, you are from the Slytherin, you must act like one!" I said while trying to pull away from the hug, but he tightens the hug even more!

I sigh in defeat, the door opens revealing Rowan with Hermione, Rowan gasp as Hermione grins "what on earth is he doing?" Rowan ask looking surprised "Christina, do you need help?" Hermione ask as she grins at me with her fold arms. I sigh and slowly walk despite walking harder before if Charlie hugging me and pulling me down. I grunts try to get free from him but then again I fail. "Please, help me to break free" Rowan and Hermione look at each other before helping me, they tried to take Charles away from me and it did "Let me go!" "Not until you stop going to Christina" Hermione glares at him. "It's really good thing there is no one inside in Wing clinic or else this scene that Charles make will be the hottest topic" Rowan warn me and and sigh "I know that."

The door once again open, This time it's Penny, Henry, and the nurse who. Got inside the clinic. "My Lord, here is the Antidote for the love potion! We don't need to wait for 24 hours!" Henry exclaim and Charles do a raised eyebrow "why do I need an Antidote? I'm not sick" Henry looking at him sadly " you should take these Charles, it's actually helps you to be better!" Charles hesitate for a minute before he took the antidote from Penny. As Charles was about to drink it, an owl suddenly get inside the window and scares Charles "Ahhh!"

*Glass broke*

Charles scream as he let the potion go and fall to the floor. "Oh no!" Penny gasp and I groan, "you got go be kidding me" I thought. "Why did you drop the antidote???" I yell a little bit as he looks at me with a frown. "What's wrong with you Christina? Why are you in hurry to made me drink something?" I just give him a deep sigh. "That was the only way for you to come back" I mumble "never mind, I guess we will wait for 24 hours" I groan as I hold my head.

To be Continued...

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