Chapter 15: Frame

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I open my eyes and first thing I saw is a white ceiling, "argh!" I groan from the sharp pain coming from my head, I hold my head then I heard a voice "thank god your awake! I was so worried!" I turn to look and saw Rowan coming towards me and hugs me. But she was not alone, she's with Ben and... Charles? What's he doing here? Ben was teary when he saw me while Charles was just crossed his arm to his chest.

"Christina, are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" Ben ask checking me and concern on my situation. I smile at him "I'm fine, just a sharp pain on my head, where I am?" I ask Rowan was about to answer my question when Charles speak up "it's so obvious, your at Hospital wing after you lost unconscious" he said with a cold tone, what's wrong with him?

"Will you stop being so cold? It's your fault why she's here!" - Rowan

"Tsk, and why is my fault? It's part of the game, if she's injured or die, then it's not my problem" - Charles

"You basterd!" - Rowan

"Enough Rowan, I'm fine... " - Christina

Charles turn his back to leave Rowan shouted at him to come back but he didn't take a glance at her, he close the door behind him.

Charles Pov...

I was walking though the hallway, I look around to see if I was around and once I confirm I'm alone, I started to think back what had happened earlier before Smith lost her conscious.


I bumped Smith to get the snitch before her when suddenly one of my team mates grabs a base and hit the Bludger and it made the Bludger hit her broom. Smith's broom lost control and throw her, while I take opportunity to take the Gloden snitch. Once I got the golden snitch, i saw she was floating on the air. My eyes widen in shocked suddenly my my left hand started to glow. I open my palm, the Gem of Air is the one who glows, suddenly it left my hand and goes to Smith and the wind gets stronger. "HELP!!!!"

She shouted and I was the first one who gets closer "MALFOY" I heard Wood calling my name but I didn't focus on him instead I try to get closer to the huge tornado, but I was fly away good thing I managed to control my broom. I saw the gem lights, I go down to ground and grab my wand. I was about to say something when Wood interrupted me

"MALFOY!!! WATCH OUT!!!!" I turn around to see a big wood coming my way, someone push me together we slumped on the ground. I turn my head to see Seymour save my life. Suddenly the wind gets slower, I turned around to see the tornado slowly disappeared. We saw Smith was unconscious, Wood take my wand "Wingardium Leviosa!" He said the spell before she falls on the ground, he put her slowly to the ground. Everyone runs towards her, "She needs to take to the Hospital wing quickly!"

Said Johnson, Wood immediately pick her up like a bridal style and runs to carry her all way on the Hospital wing. The Gem Air appears behind me, I turn around if someone noticed but everyone seems busy talking about Smith's situation, I take the gem back on my hand and walk away.

Flashback ends...

I open my palm once again and the gem appears, a smirk form my mouth. "What's wrong? Scared? Don't be, I'm not  going to hurt you. I assume you know who Smith is, because you immediately react to her when she's in danger" I said with a sarcasm, "unless you know who she is... The true identity on her. Don't worry I won't ask you about her, I'll definitely find out who truly she is" I close my palm and do a chuckle before leaving my place.

End of Pov....

Meanwhile at Hospital wing...

"How are you Tina? Does your head still hurts?" Rowan will here not leaving me alone, she was concerned about my situation since the experience of the Quidditch. "I'm fine Rowan, good as new" I said with a laugh and she sigh in relive. Suddenly someone come towards us, a girl whose from Hufflepuff. She went to us with a smile on her face

"Hello" she said and giving me something. "What's that?" I ask "it's a health potion, drink it and you will feel better in no time!" She answered. "Penny? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Professor Snape's class?" As soon Rowan said it, i snape back in reality realized our next class.

"Oh no! We have class on professor Snape today! We have to go!" I said trying to get out from the bed but the girl name Penny and Rowan stops me. "You can't go, you have to get rest until your better! Professor Snape heard the news the your not coming and he let's you to get rest until your better" Penny said making me shock "wait what? He let me to take absent? But what if he minus our points!" I shouted and Rowan shush me with her fingers. "Don't think about that for now, you need to get better!"

She said the make a frown face. "I almost forgot to Introduce myself, I'm Penny Taylor. It's nice to meet you Christina Smith" she said with a smile "likewise... " I replied. "If you need anything, just go to me and I'll be there to help!" I was confused what she's saying, I mean does she even not bothered? I'm Jame's little sister... Does she hate me like others as well? I was about to say something but she gives me a final smile on her face and turns around to leave.

"Do you guys know each other?" - Christina

"I meet her at the Hippogriff club, she's good taking care of magical Creatures and not just that, she's also good at Potions! She was famous in our club." - Rowan

"Huh? I didn't know that, but I'm glad she made something for me to get me better... I hope I'm okay tomorrow... " - Christina

"Oh you well! Just rest for now okay?" - Rowan

"Yeah yeah, I get it mom!" - Christina

Rowan giggles and she tucked in my sheet and pats my head, "see you later Tina" she said before leaving me alone.

That night, the rest of the patient at hospital wing are now taking their sleep, meanwhile i was still awake looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly I heard a foot steps coming here, I turn my body around and pretend to be asleep, I hear the door creak open, and it slowly coming here until it stops on me. I shut my eyes tightly, I can feel a hand on my head patting me. A few minutes later it stops, I can hear it walks slowly though the door and I heard a door opens then closed. I slowly open my eyes sighing in relieved Who was that? I thought.

3 days later, I was feeling better and now I can finally attend the Potion Class which I'm feeling nervous though. But I just shake my head and head inside to the class, once I was inside everyone stared at me. Professor Snape stops his discussion to his class, "Miss Smith, your 20 minutes late. Explain yourself?" He ask making me feel nervous "I... Um... I was lost... I don't know where the potion class is... " I answered, he just look at me with no expression in his face

"take your sit, the next time your late again. I won't let you participate in my class, it's your problem how will you explain to professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall" I nod and take my sit right next to Rowan and she place her hand on my shoulder while professor Snape continues his discussion. "Now, the first potion your going to make is Healing Potion. The Healing Potion is a potion which healed the drinker and replenished any lost health or stamina. Now I'm going tell you about the Healing Potion so listen carefully"

Professor Snape tells us about the Healing Potion and how to brew it. Rowan and I get all the ingredients for the Healing Potion and now we're ready to start. "Now all we need is 1 wormwood, 3 Bubotuber Pus, 2 Dittany, and finally 1 dragon liver" Rowan was reading the ingredients while I started to put the ingredients at the cauldron, we follow the instructions very well. "Finally, it's done! I brewed my first potion!" I cheer, but something bad had happened... "Ah, Tina? Did you put something on the cauldron?" She asked me and I shake my head "no I didn't, I follow the instructions!" The cauldron explode everyone were eyes on me. Some of my schoolmate got wet including Rowan and I.

"What's going on here?" Professor Snape walk towards us. "I... I don't know what just happened! I follow the instructions very well!" My voice began shutter, Professor Snape giving me a sharp gaze. "Your not just late on my class you also broke one of my cauldron. You should never have been allowed inside to my classroom, you are somehow even worse than your brother" I just look down to my feet then i saw someone smirking, it's Charles! "Oh no, how will you repay for breaking professor Snape's cauldron?" Charles said with a sarcasm. "It's you... " I whisper in low so Professor Snape Can't hear it. "Ten points from the Gryffindor!" He said "Now what do you have to say for yourself?" I just keep silent "I'm sorry... " I said in sad tone.

To Be Continued....

CHRISTINA (Enchanted Series #1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora