Chapter 2: My Wand

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In the next morning, I wake up from the unfamiliar place. I slowly get up, but my head hurts and I remember what had happened Last night. As I sit on the bed, I heard the door open and I tense myself. "Hello, dear. Your finally awake" she said with a kind smile. But I sill keep my mouth shut, don't know what to say

The room fill silent, so she comes closer to me and put her warm hands to my forehead, "last night....I'm sorry if I'm late to save you and your mother, if I had come earlier both of you will sill together right now." She said with a guilty look, as she pull her hand back from my forehead.

"Where I'm i?" - Christina

"Don't worry, your safe. Your in my house. I brought your here with me. I also put the barrier around the house just in case Sandra attacks us" - Lilith

"I wonder where my mom went... Is she safe? Is she alive? Is she's really dead like Aunt Sandra said?" - Christina

"No sweetie, Sandra is only lying to you. We don't even saw her body, which means she's sill alive" - Lilith

"I... I think so, I hope your right" - Christina

"Oh, and there's a letter for you. Your mom keep it" - Lilith

I open the letter and read it

"Dear Ms. Smith,

We pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts of Witchcraft and wizardry. please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins in September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy headmistress"

"This letter is from Ms. McGonagall" - Christina

"I see no wonder, the seal seems familiar to me. It seems like you've been accepted to the Hogwarts school" - Lilith

"Hogwarts school? I remember my mom told me about that school, she also learns magic and spell from Hogwarts" - Christina

"Yes it is, I also learn there. Me and your mom become best friend thanks to that school"- Lilith

I give her a warm smile, then look the letter on my hand. And I was thinking something that it will help me.

"Hey, Lady Lilith. If I joined to Hogwarts, I will able to learn some spells in here right?" - Christina

"Yes, Christina dear. If you learn more magic. You might able to use your skills in magic to find your mother and able to fight your aunt" - Lilith

"Maybe... I'll try, Lady Lilith. I'll join the Hogwarts." - Christina

I decided to join, I stay with Lady Lilith until I got my books, my equipment and everything I need. The only missing is...

"My wand, Lady Lilith where I can get a wand?" - Christina

"As far I can remember, I obtained my wand from Mr. Ollivander at the price of seven galleons" - Lilith

"Galleons? Do I sill need that?" - Christina

"Yes, but don't worry I already put it to your bag, because I know you need it." - Lilith

"Okay, Let's go then" - Christina

We go to the Diagon Alley, Inside the alley was an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. All items on the Hogwarts supply list could be bought at Diagon Alley. The alley was completely hidden from the Muggle world, which was right outside of its boundaries. It was very large in area and essentially the centre of wizarding London.After walking around to find Mr. Ollivander's shop, we finally managed find his Wand Shop.

Lady Lilith told me to go inside, she'll wait for me outside the shop. So I get inside the shop, and once I step inside, the first word come out from my mouth was "Woah" there's a a solitary wand lying on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. The shop was tiny, empty except for a single, spindly chair in the corner. I look around and there is no single person inside the shop.

(That's Strange, no one is here? Should I just go outside and tell Lady Lilith that Mr. Ollivander is not here?) - Christina

I was about to turn around to leave, my a voice made me stop in track. I turn my head back, and I saw a man in 70's.

"Hello, are you Mr. Ollivander?" - Christina

"Yes dear, and I assume your Ms. Smith. I have been waiting for your arrival to my shop" - Ollivander

"You were waiting for my arrival?" - Christina

"Yes Ms. Smith, I know your coming here. The letter from Hogwarts tell me that your accepted from their school. Congratulations." - Ollivander

"Thank You sir... " - Christina

"So your here for your wand then, come on follow me" - Ollivander

As he said, I follow him. He told me the three substances wands, unicorn hair, dragon heartstring and phoenix feather.

Unicorn Hair- this core, according to Ollivander's notes, 'generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. They are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts.

Dragon Heartsting- this core as a rule produces 'wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types.

Phoenix Feather- are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.

"Opps, sorry if this one is mess" - Ollivander

"Base so much mess in here, someone is here before me" - Christina

"Yes, a boy named Harry Potter was here to obtained his wand" - Ollivander

"I see, *in lower voice* Harry Potter... " - Christina

"So here we are. So what kind of wand you want to try?" - Ollivander

"Hmmm... Maybe all of them?" - Christina

Mr. Ollivander nods, and he let me to try different kinds of Wand, I try everything but none of the wand is right for me. I started to get worried that I might not able to have one, but Mr. Ollivander told me not to give up.

(Okay, I'll try last one.... I hope this wand is right for me, in fact that is not the only reason why I need a wand) - Christina

I try the wand, and..."YES! Finally!"

"Ahhh, the Phoenix Feather Wand. Seems like it choose you as it's owner" - Ollivander

"It's seems so, there must be reason why... I mean I'm not that potential like other people. But still i'll take this wand" - Christina

After I obtained my wand, I go outside the shop to meet Lady Lilith.

To Be Continued....

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