"Why did you send the pictures?" Chris demanded. "You wanted a reaction? Well you've got it. Now why don't you tell us what this is really about. Because I'm sure you didn't want this phone call just to gloat,"

"Actually Chris, that's exactly what I wanted to do. Gloat that the better man won. See, all this time you thought he was yours. But he never was. He's always belonged to me, always been mine. I bet you've never been able to shake me out of his head like I'm about to shake you out. Lucky enough for you, I'm just nice enough to let you say goodbye."

"What?! No, you can't do this you-"

John chuckled in amusement once again. "Chris, I already have. You've lost. You've lost him. It's over. Now, would you like to say goodbye?"

"No! It's not goodbye! We'll get him back, you bastard. Just you wait, we'll-"

"Chris," one of the officers sat around the kitchen table spoke in a hushed voice. She looked at him sadly, and as he noticed that, he realized the others were as well. "We will try everything we can to get your son back to you. But there's no guarantee. John has complete control over the situation right now and ultimately, decides whether Hunter lives. For your own closure, in case something goes wrong, and also for comfort in Hunter's case, maybe it's best that you say goodbye."

"No that's just what he wants," Chris shook his head; refusing to acknowledge what he knew to be the truth. "He's just a boy, he's just-"

"It's only for the worst case scenario," the officer comforted. "And it might give Hunter that bit of strength to hang on. We really urge you to do this Chris. Not many parents get a real chance to say goodbye."

But this wasn't a really chance, was it? It was forced, inhumane, disgusting. John was taking pleasure out of this, out of ruining so many people's lives. How could he live with himself? How could he do this to his own son? Such a bright and wonderful, loving boy. He had his faults but considering what he'd been through, Hunter was exceptional. He was Chris' son.

And that's why Chris had to do this. Because it was what Hunter needed to hear.

"Okay," Chris murmured. "Okay John, I want to say goodbye."

"Excellent!" He beamed. "Okay, your on speakerphone now. And Hunter, do you want to speak? You do, alright. There we go, go on Chris."

"Okay, um, Hunter. Can you hear me, son?" He stammered, not sure whether he wanted to cry or scream but holding back altogether for Hunter's sake.

"Can," Hunter croaked, voice childlike and terrified. Just hearing that small squeak of a voice, the exhale of a breath, knowing that yes, he was alive, made Chris' heart churn.

"Okay good, that's so good." Fuck, where did he start? How could he do it? "Um, I'm so sorry Hunter I'll never forgive myself I-"

"Not...not your fault. Police, police they, one of them, he-"

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