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☆ A Z O R A☆

I never really understood people, even my own kind.

And I don't think someone understands you either, no matter how alike you both are. You all have your own flaws.

Everyone is unique, in a way no one would understand.

For instance, me. My parent's situation. I'm sure tons of people have the same problems as me, but that doesn't mean they get it. We cope in our own different ways. In ways no one will get, but yourself.

I haven't talked to mom in a long time. I've seen her two weeks ago, sure. But I only spoke to her on my first day here, and that's it.

Not even dad.

Of course, they called. I just chose to ignore it. I'm still getting used to everything, and I need time and space. I'm glad they understand that.

My parents weren't people who'd push you. They were toxic and exhausting, but they understood me and my brothers.

Its bizarre for a lot of people, how my parents let me drink at 18, or how my brothers are allowed to drink, and smoke. We could stay out as long as we could, or wear what we want.

People are jealous about it, but what they don't see is, its the fact that they don't care, because if they would, I wouldn't be drinking daily. My brothers wouldn't be getting drunk almost everyday and smoke.

Growing up famous isn't easy at all. Especially when everything you see is fake. Your parents aren't home, so you've grown more mature. Cameras everywhere you look.

I've just gone through a panic attack again, and thank god I wasn't alone.

Tony was here.

I'm sat on my bed, breathing heavily while he's brushing hair out of my face.

Suddenly, someone knocks at the door.

Ezra shows up. "Love, are you okay?"

I nod, a small smile on my face.

Suddenly, Tony's phone rings. He kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

Ezra sits on the bed next to me. "Another one?"

I sigh and nod.

"Its your second time this week, you sure you're okay?" He asks, concern in his eyes.

I nod. "I'm sure."

Nio yells at us to come join them in the living room, so I stand up, and sit down on the couch, Ezra next to me.

Tony rolls his eyes as he speaks on the phone.

"Mom." Nio mouths.

Tony places his phone on the couch and puts it on speaker.

"Tony, I'm living all alone in the house, and you haven't even see the house. Just come stay for one night." Mom says over the phone.

"Mhm.." Tony says, munching on chips.

"Anthony? Are you even listening?" Mom snaps.

Tony groans. "Mom, for the last fucking time, I've got a match tomorrow and it ends at 8PM, I can't."

Mom sighs over the phone. "What're you doing after the match?"

"There will be a party, im going to go." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Anthony, instead of going there, you, Nio, Azzy and Ezra will come to mine." Mom says.

"It'll be really late, you sure you want me to drive in the dark?" Tony asks.

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