Escape of the palisman

Start from the beginning

Owlbert: *Hops onto Eda's hand, hoots*

AJ: I read it in a book.

Eda: Good for you kid. Oh, he's my palisman and we're bonded for life. *Owlbert hops to her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek* I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him.

AJ: *pulls KF out which comes to life, smiling* I'd honestly do the same if anyone hurt KF.

KF smiles brighter and starts nuzzling AJ's cheek, who nuzzles back.

King: Fine. Don't help. Right hand man, what say you?

AJ: Nah I'm good.

King: Grr. Fine! I dont need either of you. Revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall by my hand alone. *Laughs maliciously*

What King doesn't notice is the Usurper is waddling up behind him.

Usurper: *Shoves King over* Tag, you're it! *Laughs and runs off*

AJ: *Glaring at Usurper* What a brat.

Eda: Oh, man. Here we go. King's squeak of rage.

AJ: Wait hold on. *Pulls out his phone and hits record*

King: *Stands* Nyeh... nyeh... *Squeals while wriggling and punching on the air, he stands pausing for a moment, then continues squealing as he charges after his rival*

AJ: *Laughs hysterically* Oh my goodness, *Gasp and sighs* that was amazing.

Eda: *Laughs* He is like a little teakettle. *Snorts, wiping a tear away*

Owlbert scratches at his face, revealing a circle with a spike pointing inwards of it's foot.

Luz: Hey, what's that? *Points to Owlbert's foot*

Eda: That's his interlock. So he only fits on to my staff. Every palisman has one.

As she speaks, everything but her, her staff, and the bench disappears.

Eda: *Gasps* Luz? AJ?

She stands as her staff falls to the ground merging through it and the bench disintegrating.

Eda: Hello?

Luz/AJ: *Echoing* Eda?

Eda: *Clutches her head* Luz! AJ!

The real world returns as AJ is lightly shaking her and Luz, KF and Owlbert look over Eda.

Luz: Eda! Eda! Wake up!

Eda's eyes open. She is now laying down on the bench.

AJ: Eda! Are you ok?

Luz helps Eda up.

Eda: *Shudders* What? Oh, no. The curse. Hey, we have to get home. Now! *Picks up her staff and leaves*

Luz: King we have to go!

King: *Atop the jungle gym, facing Usurper* Five more minutes, please!

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