Closing, Night Drive • 4

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Noel didn't mind holding Mischas hand in their walks, it felt private and safe, just for them almost. Uranium was so small it seemed like a ghost town when you would walk anywhere outside the city. Mischa was clingy, he always dreamt for someone to lean on. When his mother, Tamara, died to exposure of Uranium he hoped for the same unconditional love she gave him.
"Мій милий Міша, будь ласка, не забувай про безпеку в Uranium" Tamara coughed. She was at the airport with Mischa, he wasn't allowed to take much of his stuff to Canada so he had a carryon and checked bag full of clothes. He kissed his mothers cheek, like he always did. Tamara coughed once more.
"Я буду сумувати за тобою більше вдячності, моя дорога матусю" Mischa held back his tears as he collapsed into his mothers arms, crying.
"Зараз посадка на рейс 315 до Онтаріо, Канада" Mischa and his mother heard on the overcom.
"До побачення милий сину" Tamara said, her last words to Mischa forever planting those words in his soul.
"Я буду сумувати за тобою більше за все, мамо, я люблю тебе" Mischa said, kissing his mothers cheek once more before giving her one last long hug. That was his last moment with her.
Mischa fell deep in his own thought, he thought of his adopted parents
"Mama!" Mischa said, running into a hug with his new mother, Adreall Kaufmann, she was shocked, her face red with worry, she looked as if she were about to cry. The father looked at Mischa as if he caught smallpox.
"Mischa, Bachinski?" Ariel Kaufmann said, severly butchering his last name. He didn't read their tone well enough and still had a big smile on his face. Mrs. Kaufmann burst into tears running to her husbands arms.
"You stay in the basement! that lying schemeing woman" Jonas Kaufmann, the adopted father of Mischa, shooed the boy. Mischa wanted to punch him, no one ever spoke of his mother in that way. Mischa pent up rage sitting in that basement for years and year-
"Mischa are you okay love?" Noel said, breaking the silence between the two. Mischa was so deep in thought he started slightly tearing up. He basically ran into Noels arms. "M-Mischa, it's okay love." He ran his hands through Mischas brown hair, messier than usual and he stroked Mishas back. He sobbed into Noels chest. He was loudly crying. Noel knew the only way to fix this was unconditional love and support. Mischas arms gripped toght around Noels chest, gripping the sweatshirt he wore.
"Я дуже сумую за нею, Ноель" Noel couldn't understand the boys words but he stood their hugging him, occasionally kissing his head and shoulders.
"Baby, my love it's okay" Noel said in a soft voice. He raised Mischas head so they were eye to eye, Noel rubbed the tears off of Mischas red cheeks.
"I love you so much Noel Gruber." Mischa whined, he was so upset, holding back so much pain and guilt. From the first day they met in the choir room Noel thought Mischa was tragic, mysterious, and really hot. He wanted to listen to Mischa vent and that's exactly what happened. He pressed their foreheads together
Mischa one day sat in Noels car and asked
"Noel, Gruber it is?" He saw a non-verbal nod from the boy sitting in the drivers seat. "I know you do not know me very well,but I need a place to stay tonight, a dinner, could I stay at your place."
"Yeah of course Mischa, i-is everything okay?" This was the first time they had a real conversation.
"Yes I am fine, just parents you know." Mischa brushed it off. They sat in silence, an uncomfortable, almost sad silence.
"How do you like the choir Mischa?" He knew Mischa joined because he had to do community service for stealing vodka.
"It is okay, I wish we rapped more" He said, looking straight rather then just away from Noel.
"Rap? You like rap?"
"Yeah mean I am rapper, hottest rapper in all of Northeast Saskatchewan" Noel laughed.
"Theres an aux cord int he glove box if you want to show me." Mischa rushed and in no quicker than 2 minutes he was playing a SoundCloud playlist called 'BAD EGGS BOPS' He laughed a bit at the beats and melody but Mischa sounded good. He didn't like the autotune and it was definitely not his style, but he thought it was good none the less. When the first song emded Noel applauded. "That wasn't as bad as I was expecting."
"Told you, best rapper." Noel laughed again. Noel knew that Mischa had joined the choir as some act of community service for stealing communion wine. He always seemed so dark and mysterious.
"If you don't mind me asking" Noel said, interrupting the rap music Mischa was playing on the radio, "what happened? I- I mean you weren't on your phone in class today, you seemed upset to even look at it.
"Oh, my shawty Natalia broke up with me" Mischa replyed, his voice seemed like it ached for some form of love, Noel had known he had an online girlfriend, Ocean would always make fun of him for it, calling her imaginary.
"Oh shit, Mischa I'm so sorry" Noel said, He rubbed the boys shoulder lightly "If you don't mind me asking, why?"
"I told her I also like boys, aswell as girls and she thought that meant I was cheating." Mischs said, His voice a little lower than usual, he sounded so heartbroken.
"Shit, Mischa I had no idea, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that."
"It's okay, I think I have my eyes on someone else, not online this time." Noels cheeks stung a light pink. He knew it couldn't be him, but my god he wanted it to be. Mischa was funny, good looking, nice, and always so sensitive, but he was so dense, hard to crack. They pulled into Noels driveway, his moms car wasn't there, she must've gone to work a night shift again. It was fall, the sky was dark by 6 pm and it was so cold. Noel didn't know how Mischa never wore a coat to school, it was mainly just hoodies and windbreakers for him. Noel fiddled with his keys and unlocked the front door, waving in Mischa before him.
"What do you want to eat? I can order food if you want" Noel said as they entered the house. Standing in the mud room taking off his jacket and boots, Mischa followed, taking off his sweater vest and hanging it on the coat rack. He ran his fingers through his fluffy brown hair and pushed it out of his face.
"What can you cook?" Mischa asked stepping into the kitchen to the right of the mud room. He seemed intrigued.
"Soup, pasta, pizza, chicken, rice, most basic white foods."
"Do you make grilled cheese?" Mischa asked, his mother always made them for him. It reminded him of home.
"Yeah, you can go up to my room and make yourself comfortable. Or the living room."
"Thank you Noel." Mischa said he felt an urge to kiss the boys head but knew it would be probably inappropriate at a time like this. He went to the living room and foddled with the remote before putting on some random cable channel playing The Simpsons. Noel overheard his loud laughs and the tv from the kitchen. About 20 minutes later he walked into the living room.
"Grilled cheese is ready." Mischa sprung up, turning off the Tv and walking with Noel."
"I had no idea you were such a chef Noel Gruber." Noel chuckled a bit.
"Well I wouldn't say chef but, thanks." The two sat across from eachother enjoying the silence. Eating their grilled cheese and Tomato Soup.
"So Noel- How are classes?" Mischa asked, attempting to break the long silence after he finished slurping his soup.
"Pretty good, I think I am on one of my last credits, I love doing all my work at once so my credits gain faster." Noel said after he finished swallowing. "I hate chour though, I always thought it would be fun to sing in a choir but my god Ocean is such an annoying leader."
"I KNOW RIGHT!" Mischa practically yelled. "You should be leader Noel, you are so much better than her." Noel scoffed.
"If only" The two didn't talk for a while after. Going up to Noels room in silence. "We could watch a movie before I go to sleep on the couch."
"Why would you go to sleep on the couch? This is your house."
"Yeah but you are the guest so you should have my bed, so I wouldn't want to y'know, crowd you or make you feel uncomfortable." Noel said, picking at his nail polish like he usually did when he was embarrassed.
"It's okay Noel, you aren't a burden to me" Mischa said. It couldn't help but warm Noels chest.
"Here, I'll go change in the bathroom, just wear anything you want from that dresser, most of my clothes are probably your size anyway."
"Thanks" Mischa said, Noel was so kind. Many people didn't treat him fairly because he was Ukrainian, but Noel didn't seem to mind, he treated him the same as everyone else. Mischa looked through Noels dresser, He found a pair of green pajama pants and a white tank top that looked good enough.
"Can I come in?" Noel knocked. Mischa yelled back "Yeah!!" He came in wearing big baggy pajamas, holding his binder and pants in his hands.
"What is that?" Mischa said, pointing at the binder on top of the pile, "If you don't mind answering."
"Oh uh-" He now knew Mischa was bisexual, so he probably wasn't transphobic, right? Also it wasn't really a secret Noel was gay, Mischa wouldn't spend the night at a gay kids house if he knew right? RIGHT?
"Noel you okay, you seem, Nervous?" Mischa basically asked himself, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"
"No, No its fine. Uhm, I'm Trangender, I was born a girl but transitioned before I moved to Uranium from Ontario, you are really the first person I've told outside of family." Noel said, "Uhm but this is a binder, it makes my chest flat."
"Cool!" Mischa said. He sounded mostly genuine, Noel sucked at reading tone so he could be completely wrong. "I support you no matter what Noel, you are my friend." He said, moving slightly closer to Noel. "C-can I touch you?" That sounded so embarrassing, He wanted to hug Noel, but more genuine, and lighter. Noel nodded, Mischa wrapped his arms around Noels waist. Slightly leaning in. "You have such nice arms." Mischa said, his face slightly pink. He loved Noel, he thought he was cute and charming and so, so funny. Anytime he cracked a joke under his breath Mischa would hear and laugh along with him, it was the little things that always made Mischa smile, it was Noel that made Mischa smile.
"I love you Mischa" Noel said, Kissing his boyfriends lips lightly. They still stood in a field foreheads touching, holding eachothers hands, enjoying the morning light.
"I love you Noel Gruber." Mischa said putting his arms underneath Noels armpits and hugging him. Noel put one hand on Mischas back and the other in his hair. Kissing him once more.

Word Count: 1987
AHHH Tysm for all the votes and all the people reading, I'm so hyperfixated on rtc and seeing people appreciate that makes me so happy. If I ever figure out AO3 I'll publish it on there too. Also I gave a background for why Talia isn't there which is fun, hope yall enjoyed. Love you!! Bye :)

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