Closing, Night Drive • 2

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AN: CW UNSAFE BINDING, NEEDLES! I will be calling Jane by Penny :)

"Hey Ocean, this is gonna sound really dumb" Noel said on the phone, it was 10 AM and Mischa and Noel sat on a curb in some random city outside Uranium. The sky was a dark blue and the clouds began clearing from the Midnight rain.
"YOUR CAR DIED? NOEL WHAT WERE YOU DOING ALL NIGHT?" Mischa heard over the phone, he chuckled making eye contact with Noel. Noel looked like a wreck, his hair was messy and his shirt was unbuttoned almost completely showing his chest binder.
"Look I know it sounds bad Ocean, but could you and Penny maybe come down to get us?"
"US? WHO'S WITH YOU?" Ocean once again yelled.
"Misch, we went for a drive last night and- I'll just explain when you can get here." Noel was pasing in the parking lot.
"Noel, is it safe to wear that for this amount of hours?" Mischa pointed at his binder, he was still slightly confused by Noel being transgender, He knew Noels parents supported it and of course he did to but he didnt understand helping Noel with his T-shots or what binding was. He thought Noel passed increadibly well, when they first met you could've guessed he was cis from first glance. Noel was stealth to most of Uranium, except his family and the choir. He felt like he could be himself in that way.
"I should be fine Misch." Noel said, Mischa stood up from his spot on the curb and began to kiss Noel. He put his hands around Noels waist and Noel lightly grabbed Mischas shoulders. They were around the same height with Mischa being slightly taller. Noel got back into the car to pick up all the trash they had left. Apparently they smoke a joint which Noel couldn't remember.
"Baby, baby, come sit with me, you work to much." Mischa said, he was sitting in the backseat. He was wearing his pants but he lost the shirt in the middle of the night. He loved hugging Noel, he loved physical affection like his mama gave him.
"In a second Mischa, Ocean is gonna be so concerned with all of this, I mean she doesn't even know we-" Noel cut himself off. His phone rang again. It was Penny this time.
"Noel, which strip mall parking lot did you say you were in again?" Mischa laughed. All the towns outside Uranium were even smaller and dirtier, consisting of 10-20 small houses and 5 strip malls with Churches and gyms.
"It's on 5th street, I think its off the 3rd left when you get to the exit?" Noels memory was slightly foggy and faded from the night prior. All he remembered was Mischa. Mischa was that Ukrainian bad boy with his rap persona, but he was so sweet, he always treated Noel with respect. He always knew where he could touch and where he couldn’t, he also always made sure Noel was comfortable when they kissed or were intimate. Noel climed into the backseat and curled up next to Mischa, he was warm and calming. Mischa wrapped his arms around Noel before they heard a car horn in the parking lot, he then saw Penny standing by the car window. Noel turned red and got out of the car.
"I'll tell you later Penny" Noel said nervously, she smiled and nodded. Mischa also exited the car, he put on one of Noels hoodies that was on the floor of the backseat, it was sloghtly small on him but still fit.
"Noel you have to understand how messed up this is, you could've gotten taken or murdered, you left your car running ALL NIGHT, I mean what if someone Hijacked the car and-" Ocean went on, she always seemed so nervous about safety even if it was someone like Noel she wasn't that close with.
"Well the good part is we didn't" Mischa said. He gave Noel and Penny a quick hug then gave Ocean a nice brotherly side hug, the two werent close and never were.
"Well, do you have an extra batteyr or what?" Noel said snarkily. He loved jokingly teasing Ocean. She always took it seriously too.
"Yes I do, Penny stay here them you have to explain yourself Mr. Noel." She walked back to her car that was across the small 2 way intersection of the parking lot.
"Okay so Penny I'm going to explain this to you very quickly, Me and Mischa are dating, you cannot let Ocean or Constance know though. We went out for a drive and we slept in my car while it was still on and it died." Noel saod very quickly checking back to see Oceans status. Mischa nodded the whole time. Penny did a zipping motion across her lips to assure she was keeping a secret. Ocean walked up next to Mischa and handed him a car battery.
"So I assume neither of you studied your music last night."
"Yes actually, that is why we came out here, to get away from the hectic Uranium city" Noel lied to Ocean. She rolled her eyes.
"Why were you even uo that late?"
"I was working a night shift at Taco Bell and Mischa came in asking if we could run music, so we drove for awhile singing together." Noel lied once more, "Then we realized that we were 1 hour out of Uranium and crashed in my car and that is why it's dead." Mischa stayed sllilent, he knew he wasn't the greatest at lying.
"Uh huh! So whats your plan for today?" Penny asked.
"We were planning to go to my house and watch movies all day, Mischa was spending the night anyway" Noel said as he gestured at Mischa, Mischa nodded. Penny smiled.
"That is so nice! You two are so lovely, choir makes great friendships." Penny had a beautiful smile, she had the greenest eyes and whitest teeth you had ever seen.
Mischa closed the hood of the car and pat the hood. "All better" Noel smiled and walked happily to the passengers side and started up the car. It worked!
"Well youre welcome for coming all this way to fix your dumb Mitsubishi." Ocean sighed
"HER NAME IS MRS. GADOT!" Noel retorted snappily. Penny gave Mischa a small hug before starting to walk back with Ocean.
"Seriously thank you for your kindness O'Connell!" Mischa said, he blew a little kiss their way. He liked Ocean, she was always slightly nicerto him than she was to Noel.
"Well what do you say we get the hell out of here?" Noel asked, he held out his hand for Mischa to grab and spin him close, they always did it together. Teh drive was uneventful but to avoid suspicions from Ocean they actually worked on Music. Mischa even showes Noel his demo for his new song, Noel didn't particularly like the autotune but it was a nice touch. He seemd to have developed more poetis-sism into his lyrics. After the nearly 1 hour drive and stop at 7/11 they pulled into Noels driveway. He hoped his mom would let Mischa stay, she always said she liked Mischa because of how gentleman like he was. Noel opened the door and let Mischa in first.
"Hello mom!" Noel yelled, he assumed she was in her office.
"COMING!" She raced foen thr stairs and gave her son a hug. "How was the sleepover? Oh hello Mischa!"
"Hello Mrs. Gruber." He gave her a small hug.
"It was good mom, Oceans house was fun as always." Noel lied once more. "Can Mischa stay the night, I promise we will get to bed at a reasonable time for school tommorow!?"
"Okay fine Noel, but as long as you keep your promise."
"We will Mrs. Gruber" Mischa added. She smiled and gave them both a hug before Noel led Mischa up to his bedroom. His room was always layed out the same, twin bed against the wall opposite the door with a brown corduroy comforter, desk next to the door and dresser next to the desk. His walls were painted a sage green and one was white white where his closet was. He had a matching brown cannope over the bed and a TV by the foot of the bed. Mischa embraced Noel and held him tight.
"я тебе люблю" Mischa said then kissing Noel passionatly. Noel kissed back and smiled, he felt warm again.

Word Count: 1469
This is so hyperfixation prompted, this musical is the only thing on my brain rn. I love trans Noel Gruber and the next part will include more trans stuff. Hope you enjoyed reading part 2 and IDC HOW ACCURATE THIS IS 😡

Ride the Cyclone- Nischa Oneshots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن