Mr. Fish sticks aye aye aye

Start from the beginning

            “Alright alright Nanny,” I said.

Harry’s POV

            “So what do you think?” Alex said as she flung her suitcase on top of one of the queen beds in the blue room that we would be sharing with Zayn and Louis.

            “About the room or about your family?”

            “Mmmm both.” She replied.

            “Well I think the room would be better without Zayn and Louis in it.” This received a giggle from Alex and an ‘I’m not too happy about sharing a room with you couply couple over there either’ from Louis. “As for your family? I think we are going to have a lot of fun. You all seem really close.”

            “We are. But we should go down soon before everyone has to much fun without us.”

            “I thought we were going to bed now?” I asked slightly confused at where the ‘fun’ was coming from.

            “Well Harry it’s only like one in the morning! My cousins are 22 and 24, there is definitely alcohol involved once everybody over the age of 50 goes to bed.”

            “Woo hoo! Alcohol!” Louis whispered as he punched the air.

            “Sounds fun. But I don’t think they’ll mind if we’re a couple minutes late,” I said moving closer to Alex and slipping my arms around her waist leaning down to kiss her

            Just as our lips were about to meet, Jen burst through the door. “Come on Ladies! I wanna go drink!”

            Suddenly I was being forced out of the door against my will. “Come on Harry. Now’s when the real fun starts.”

* * *

Alex’s POV

            I was doubled over in a boisterous laughter as Jono retold the story of how on his 21st birthday he had taken his arm and swung it across a table at a bar sending all of the glasses to the floor. Of course he had gotten thrown out of the bar only to shamefully return the next morning to collect his phone he had left there.

            Ben, Jono, Joe, Christine, and then the seven of us had been outside on the roof that had been set up like a porch and entertainment area, with the now dwindling supply of booze for the past hour. Thick blankets, a fire roaring, and those electric heater things worked against the cold December wind and snow. My cousin Ben, always the lightweight, had been the first to go, but I’m sure it was safe to say that we were all a little far-gone by now.

            I was downing a shot of Sambuca when Jono asked the question I had been dreading. I just felt fortunate that this was how it was being brought up and not with my parents there at the dinner table. “Ok. So I know you two said you met through work.” He said pointing at me sitting on Harry’s lap.

            Joe finished for him, “But what’s the real story? I mean something exciting had to happen.”

            I gulped, but before I could answer… Louis answered for me, “She got utterly pissed clubbing with Jen, met Harry, fucked at his flat-“

            Zayn cut him off to continue the story while I buried my face in my hands with my elbows on the table. “But then she woke up the next morning and realized that she basically just fucked her boss, so she ditched.”

             I brought my head up to look at the raised eyebrows from my four family members, “Well I knew you were a fun partier, but not that fun. Way to go Lex!” Christine said and Ben sniggered.

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