(1) The nightmares (1)

Start from the beginning

Palette let out a forced, nervous laugh as he adjusted his cap.
"I guess I'm a good storyteller, huh? It's just a nightmare though. It's a little scary, but now it's just a common dream I have."

"Speaking of Dream..." Goth interrupted, placing a finger to his cheek as he thought deeply.
"Don't you think it's a little strange that the son... of Dream... who's the guardian of hopes and dreams... is having the opposite of dreams?" He asked, glancing over to the others asking for confirmation.

"Actually now that you say it that way, yeah that is weird." Blueprint agreed. The energetic boy gripped his scarf tightly.

The trees outside the treehouse swayed. The quadrant of children had made a treehouse out in the far depths of Outertale. It was far enough from the original AU that they hopefully wouldn't be spotted, but also they could still enjoy the rare meteor showers.

The idea of building a treehouse in an AU that didn't have trees came from Palette. He and his best friend Goth wanted a place for their friend group which had been appropriately named "the scarf sanses" by Blueprint, considering they all wore scarves. Paperjam hated that name, but he was outvoted three to one.

"I know this is rich coming from me but... have you ever spoken to Dream or Ink about this?" Paperjam asked, adjusting his sitting position as he reached for the stash of candy that Goth as he mischievously followed his reaper father around the AUs collecting souls.

"Ah. I don't really want them to worry about me." Palette confessed.
"It's not really that big of a deal. I swear! A nightmare isn't anything concerning."

"It can be if it's repetitive dude. It can screw with your head. Give you an anxiety disorder or something." Paperjam chewed on the watermelon gum, blowing an obnoxious bubble which annoyed Blueprint.

"Actually that's a good point. What if you enter a situation where you're stuck on a boat with no oars?" Blueprint questioned, Palette groaned playfully.

"Then I'd just walk to shore, duh!"

"You can't get out if you're stranded, dumbass." Paperjam spoke again, popping another bubble.

"Can you quit that? We're trying to have an important conversation with our brother!" Scolded Blueprint. Paperjam shrugged. He didn't really care, he and Blueprint had always been at each other's throats. Blueprint was very lawful while PJ was more chaotic neutral.

"Hm. Well, if you don't wanna tell Dream then I guess we can't force you. But we would really like you to. Maybe Ink would know how to help?" Goth suggested. The creaky boards of the treehouse groaned under their weight. Naturally the treehouse wasn't perfect. In fact, majority of it was made by Palette and Blueprint. Paperjam wasn't good at creation magic and Goth obviously couldn't help. So, it was up to the younger half brothers to put up with it.

Goth sighed, concerned with his very best friend. He loved Palette and they'd be friends forever, but he could certainly be stubborn at times. He scrunched you his face in disapproval as Palette shook his head again.

"Ink doesn't dream. What a weirdo, amiright?" He giggled, Ink had always been such a peculiar dad. He wasn't the best, that's for certain but he certainly wasn't awful.

PJ nodded, the group fell silent. Maybe it was time to end the meeting here. They had done some nice practice of their magic. None of them were as strong as they'd like to be, but they were certainly taking the right steps. Their battle skills had improved quite a lot.

"Alright goth, do you have a way to get back to Reaptertale? We could get Jammy to open up a portal for you."

"That'd be appreciated, Blueprint!" Goth smiled thankfully. Paperjam rolled his eyes. He was not a taxi for them! But.. he was the only one who knew how to open portals as of now. Thanks Error.

|| Captain Palette AU| | "I need to find that crown" ||Where stories live. Discover now