Chapter 49 - Baby

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Lillianna took charge of the ship shortly after. She wasted no expense in hastening their departure. The crew had the same notions rushing to ready the ship. They had raised the anchor and left with the next tide.

When the ship hit the open ocean night had come around. Lillianna walked across the deck lantern in hand checking the ropes and such.  Coming to a stop at the front of the ship she took a deep breath. They were safe now.

Her hand moved to her lower stomach.

They were all safe.

"Would you look at that," Jacob spoke up from his position leaning against the ropes. Lillianna turned to him with a raised eyebrow. He was supposed to be in bed.

"Beautiful," Jacob whispered his adoration shining in his eyes with a faint smile. That smile always made Lillianna feel giddy inside.

"You should be in bed," Lillianna said as Jacob walked up to her. 

"I've been in bed for the last week. I would have gone mad," he muttered with a shrug pulling her into his side.

"You not already?" Lillianna asked jokingly earning a small chuckle from her husband. Lillianna's heart lightened at the familiar sound. Pulling him close she rested her head on his shoulder simply taking in his presence.

"That was one hell of an adventure," Jacob muttered.

"It's sure gonna be an interesting story to tell our kids," Lillianna whispered.

"Kids? we only got one love," Jacob chuckled. Lillianna took a deep breath taking his hand and placing it on her stomach. Jacob frowned pulling his gaze away from the scene to his wife's hand clasped over his own. Lillianna's gaze didn't meet his. It was instead focused on his still hand. 

Lilliana didn't know what to expect. Jacob was great with Maisie. He was a great father. She just didn't know if he wanted another child. 

Jacob stared at the placement of his hand for a long time. He knew what she had said. He knew she was pregnant. 

Lillianna closed her eyes he pulled his hand away. She only opened her eyes when he took hold of her hips kneeling till he was face to face with her stomach.

The expression she saw on his face was unreadable at first. His eyes trained solely on her stomach as his thumb rubbed her hip. Sliding his hand over he stopped it where she had placed it again.

"Your pregnant," he whispered. Hearing it out loud seemed to break threw the shock. A shuddered breath left his lips as the brightest biggest smile spread across his face. Tears gathered in his eyes.

"A child," He whispered a bubbly laugh leaving his chest as he took Lillianna's hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm. He had another kid. The happiness that spread through his whole being shined brightly in his eyes. 

"There's alittle you and me in there," he whispered leaning forward to rest his forehead against his hand. 

His family was growing. And after everything that happened. He was overjoyed. Lillianna let the smile overcome her features as he gently kissed her stomach before standing cupping her face in his hands.

"We're having a baby!" He exclaimed excitedly picking her up and spinning her around. A bubbly laugh left Lillianna's throat.

"Put me down! Your still hurt," she said. Gently setting her down Jacob smashed his lips against hers. A kiss is just as passionate as their first. When they finally pulled back they rested their foreheads against each other. 

"Your happy?" Lillianna's question had Jacob chuckling.

"Every day with you is happier than the last," he whispered wholeheartedly. 

"Gods Lillianna, You," Jacob struggled to find the words as he looked upon the goddess before him. "You are my great life," he whispered. Lillianna shook her head.

"That's my line," she murmured. 

"I love you," Lillianna said.

"I love you more," he said.

"I love you most," she replied.

"Good cause your gonna need a lot of that love not to get mad at me," Jacob said with a smile.

"Why would I be mad at you?" she asked brushing his hair out of his face.

"Because I think I just popped a few stitches," he said with a simple smile.

"Jacob," Lillianna huffed. Jacob simply grinned.

"Come on then," she whispered with a shake of her head and a knowing smile.

Jacob could hardly contain his excitement. Shortly after he got his stitches fixed up he rushed through the ship banging pots to wake every up. He then stood proudly at the front of the ship. There he announced with the biggest smile and the biggest puffed out proud chest that Lillianna was pregnant. What followed shortly after was a party for the ages where the crew congratulated the couple. 

Lillianna was the first to notice Masies Absence. 

Looking over the side of the ship she spotted Masies sitting on the old hunting railings. Knocking her knuckle on the side of the boat Maisie looked up before looking away again. 

"Can I join you?" Lillianna asked. when she got no reply she clambered down blue flopping over to receive pets. 

"So why are you hiding out here?" Lilianna asked sitting next to her daughter Blue plopping onto her lap. 

"Your gonna have a kid," Maisie said.

"Your little brother or sister," Lillianna said. 

"What's the matter, love?" Lillianna asked softly. 

"It's stupid," she muttered. Lillianna smiled at the faint memory from the past.

"You said that once before," Lillianna mused.

"It wasn't stupid then, why would it be stupid now?" She continued gently tilting Maisies chin to look at her. Maisie looked over Lillianna. Looked over the woman she loved, the woman who she called mum. She wasn't her real mum though. That thought had tears spilling out of her eyes.

"You and Jacob have a kid of your own now. You won't need me anymore," Maisie rushed the words out looking away. Lillianna's eyes widened in shock.

"Maisie love, why would you say that?" Lillianna asked bewildered.

"Because I'm, I'm not your real daughter," Masis whispered weakly. Lillianna smiled sadly. 

"You think blood is the only thing that makes a family?" Lillianna asked gently taking Maisies hand. 

"Love look around you," Lillianna said turning her head back to her.

"This crew, me, your dad you. We found each other. We love each other. That's something blood doesn't always give," Lillianna explained. Tucking her hair behind her ear and whipping away her tears she smiled.

"I may not have given you the gift of life. But life gave me the gift of you. You are my daughter, no amount of blood will change that," Lillianna said.

"You promise?" Maisie asked sniffling.

"I promise, love," Lillianna said with a warm smile.

"Plus if this kid has half your father's genes they're gonna need someone to look after them," Lillianna said earning a small smile from Maisie.

"Come on love," Lillianna said giving her temple a loving kiss.

"Can we stay here, Just a little longer?" Maisie asked. 

"Of course," Lillianna nodded pulling Maisie closer to her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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